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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. That's what I was thinking too... bummer
  2. That's what matters the puppies & wife are waiting..
  3. Where ya at Josh? Unloading and heading for home???
  4. Point taken but won't matter if your doing this in a way you could harm yourself. And you need to get a real grasp on sub-ohm-ing all sides of it or an accident could ruin it for you and hurt the world of vapes for everyone.
  5. Then wait until you do so, its exciting and clouds are amazing but they can be pretty cool in the meantime, the only clouds you could see if one of these blows up from going about it too fast... I Dont do coils and the fancy stuff so can't help you there.. k and these guys get tired of repeating themselves when people Wont listen to safety so maybe sit back read through the forum stuff and take notes relax.move slower and then ask the questions okay?
  6. Your not understanding this is very serious and you really need to follow a learning process, these members have done this and are simply not going to help you blow something up, or someone by diving in cheap and foolishly.. you want to learn the proper way to do this carefully you've got The Best that will help nut you have to do this process by process or no deal.
  7. I stashed some so good to let them steep, I forgot but today... I found them! I too am addicted to Fadora Vapors... Its bad when ya have to out trick yourself....
  8. Lmao! Ya fishy does this, he's a real problem..
  9. brat! Oh no fishy, I think we derailed another... its your fault ya fish!
  10. Ewww you fishy! I'm gonna go get the gill nets out now!
  11. Oh Fishy, that was exceptional, considering... lol *waves* you do know this Is war ...
  12. My issues are operator errors I'm sure but... i
  13. That's great! All your girls in one place you'll be a happy man. You deserve it!
  14. Remember only the very best get to teach, well for the most part. That's why your in high demand...
  15. Thanks that makes sense kinda.. thanks
  16. She's good girl looking out for ya,
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