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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. It was a really bad moment, a very blonde moment. Your such a good girl I can't wait... hugs
  2. Don't go back to analogs, you'll regret it, and it won't make anything better or easier. Wish I could help.
  3. A really bad mix n match of what tastes like burnt coffee & cheese cake, but till more arrives I've decided to deal w it... adding overly sweet apple pie helped some. Its a really bad thing to mix in the dark w/o your cheaters on..
  4. Twitchy.. understatement of the year lol.
  5. I knew the people designing the dream liner, and I'll never ever fly the friendly skies again! .. its so nice having a safety minded knowledgeable person come it to the mix.
  6. Did you guys get klunky w the pretty tank or it just stinks???
  7. I was gonna say, just becareful boys, as I've not broke a glass tank yet, But now that its been said... Oh I'll blame it on troy.
  8. All mine look like jeffs does, the pictured one is different.
  9. Dont smash em theyre pretty! I love the one in the very front....
  10. Well and they Dont really eat. but I think you boys should share .. lmao
  11. Pa said tp say Hi (He's pretty happy looks like the skin grafts are cancelled for now!!!) Yiippeee !!!!
  12. Good girl! Dont ever let anyone tell you, you cant! Your doing it safe and having fun. Keep On CAL
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