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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Bet he doesn't tell us how he gets Vape to spell out I am your father though
  2. Yes beware of the fishy, *drat can't even think if a good one...hate when that happens.*
  3. But you did, you took the time and talked w them thru the worst. I bet it was horrible for you. Hugs
  4. You can't go wrong, his juice is really truly good. More then just taste, its the best vapor cloud w/o trying IMO, steeping makes it even better, you'll love it. It kinda ruins ya for the others.. for me so far anyway. I plan on getting way too much thus month as well.
  5. That's a cute name really but Darth farts would be Absolutely something avoidable..
  6. It grows pretty easy here, have Indian tobacco.
  7. It works growing tobacco w the tomatoes, also growing mint... Smart man he was.
  8. Oh boy, ya I can imagine, well pa is too, Crazy as a loon.. we'll just put the boys up in the barn.. nice an cozy in there.
  9. Consider it done... Pa's a navy boy so that'll be good your tough! I can Always use reinforcements....
  10. I would adopt you but *whispers* you would have to put up w the boys..
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