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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Its a lot healthier Imo, less smelly, join the crowd....
  2. Thank you! I try to buy from vendors on here just cause I know I can trust the quality? Maybe I'm silly but... I do appreciate it though.
  3. Brick & Mortar. I call it algebra .. just wait you'll see
  4. Should get lots of vapor w that! How long have you been vaping?
  5. Welcome to VT! Different tanks, juice, batteries lots of variables.. what do you vape with?
  6. My kpt2 wouldn't draw well on my vw2 then I tried a different beauty ring (one that came w it) and let it sit w juice soaking into new wicks... cleaned off flood I'd created not being patient w new coil, lightly blew extra juice into tissue and worked like a charm.
  7. I like my pro tank but it took different ways of using it. Might be interested if you really Dont want it.
  8. Heard good things on vamo, but you wanna have backups for your backups ... or that's what I was told, lol.
  9. Itaste vv/vw 3, variable voltage wattage pen type battery. Can send a picture if it would help.
  10. Wow, try the vv/vw its a good battery really and although I was told only last max 6 mos mines been awesome and still going
  11. Ya, that's a bummer. I only have my Vtr and a vv/vw2 so I Dont know anything about the spinners. Some love them, must be just your luck.. 2.5 ft onto carpet I've.dropped my vv2 lots farther then that into cement and it keeps on going..
  12. That didn't take much to break did it.
  13. Made my order w Fadora Vapors, had to try snickerdoodle and the buttered popcorn, and he had a beautiful "Purple" glass replacement tank for my kpt 2. I also ordered my mbv cinnamon bunn I love that stuff.
  14. Oh it was a no longer used one, due to flooding actually. Thank you.
  15. I tore one of my single coils apart (was leaking bad) and it had a tear, so has to be figured out.
  16. Thank you Happy, going to go look.
  17. Oh I bet that is different, where'd ya get it Happy? Is it sweet or more tart?
  18. And your successful! *wink* Morning Son!
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