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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Steeping w the cap off lets it develop, not a bad thing. If you have the patience to wait.
  2. Innokin vv/vw is a good battery IMO, to start w or a backup, I still use mine.
  3. Adding Nicotine can change the flavor, testers are 0 nic, Is it a new coil? If you have a used coil in your tank it could be affecting it. You might have to turn up the power. How much water are you drinking? Drink Lots! That affects my ability to taste juice incredibly.
  4. I really liked Virginia too, still do. Just Dont know that there's a tobbaco "flavor" out there that's perfect, just have to keep searching. I finally switched slowly by adding flavors to Virginia that I liked drop by drop in the tank.
  5. Oh okay on the gift! Its very cute. Golf clubs.... pfft what does a fish need w golf clubs..
  6. Where at in upstate? Bet the humidity is a killer right now, been a long time since I've been there.
  7. IMHO Mt Baker juice really needs to steep as they say. I love their juices but their made fresh and have to age. Changes them incredibly.
  8. Now I "know" I love it, its a must have more vape, Mojito is incredible. Again Thanks to Tameiki! Time to get big bottles and designated tanks...
  9. "Mojito" I think I like it, its different but close to the real thing.
  10. Where are ya? Bet that wakes ya up, the cinnamon..
  11. Most we can't plant before memorial day, we are getting snow.. its cold. Some cold crops went in last fall, peas won't come up for a week. Beautiful garden, nice raised beds!
  12. In just went thru the bad throat thing, dropped the nic a bit and changed flavors for a day and its gone. Comps juice are great, Mountain Mist is fantastic, I like them all though. No nasty chem taste.
  13. Chantix can really cause some very bad chemistry and neurological issues, before you realize they're happening. Consult your Dr before stopping cold turkey though. Patches & gum aren't much better, common side effect of patches are heart attacks I know that from experience. If your doing the chantix w success, fantastic on the no smoking part of the process, but maybe even a little nic in your juice might be better then dealing w side effects later of the prescription chantix, IMO. The ecigs did the trick for me. I tried all the above and like you still needed the cessation of vaping. Good luck
  14. Feel like a nut! Thank you so much Tam! Can't put it down.. Its so good, the more I Vape the more I want. Now to figure out how to order the big bottles w double extra sweet. You made my day, thank you!
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