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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. That's okay, just dont get yourself all up in a dither, It.appears.to be over..
  2. Very well said! What a well spoken young man you are, I'm so proud *sniff*
  3. Oh well slight oops, Ma's a bit perturbed...
  4. Fadoravapors.com Awesome customer service fast shipping and good juice.
  5. No you come in ask questions, admittedly a non smoker looking for a way to open up a vape shop w no idea of whether the area in question would support another such establishment. With it would seem only a financial gain in mind. insult my friends, w your remarks. I support vaping as a healthier means to quit smoking, not to just use vaping as a tool to make money regardless. This IMO is not about a nonsmoker who has no idea about nicotine use or addiction to said, to use or sell such a product. then to come in and ask people who are knowledgeable in daily use of a product their opinion, then call them rude names, I'm sorry if anyone's proven to be a "tool" its you. This is a close knit forum and I take great offense to your behavior, vulgarities and so on. So I shall suggest strongly using your own words to go find another sand box to relieve yourself in? Your not worth these gentlemen's time and aggravation. Nor mine.
  6. More uneducated B.S. you are a poor candidate for owning any public oriented business, thin skinned beligerant organisms such as yourself belong locked in a closet somewhere. Your rude, juvenile remarks proved your not worthy of this forum. Nor those who took the time to answer.
  7. Excuse me?! It has be made quite obvious your higher education has failed you miserably, referring to your calling the gentlemen in question "tools". Its also quite obvious you have no apparent research skills, no social skills especially in how to behave in a public forum, obviously socially inept and rude... especially when seeking assistance and information. You would would never survive opening a Vape shop, dealing w a myriad of personalities. NEXT!
  8. FLaN is pretty dang awesome tasting, chocolate, coconut and nuts...its actually called feel like a nut
  9. Its body changing stuff, I went up then went down and to date over 40lbs... I even stopped my coffee all day every day, Dont like the taste much anymore.
  10. I was thinking that.. that's 4 mos.. close enough maybe?
  11. Then again its only 18 hrs to you, bet I could get there w/o trouble... hmm
  12. When I can't taste, (like today) I can Vape that it tastes amazing and I love it! Lost most of my taste yesterday... but that stays good. How bout I order from you??
  13. Sheesh, so your the expert flavor taster! FLaN is one I wouldn't have tried myself or Mojito and now I'm going to order the biggest bottles I can get. Do you order all dx sweet?
  14. Hmm time to kidnap Tam and pry her list out of her! Or bribery... I've tried dragons blood locally, tasted peppery.
  15. Dragons tear???? What other secret juices are you not telling me about? or was this a hint...
  16. Yes having backups for backups is very important w FLaN or others... lol especially when as in my case I won't wait otherwise.
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