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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Boy she is a keeper, the girlfriend (mod goes w/o saying) Dont let her get away.
  2. most the time I set my Vw at 7.5 - 8. And depending on the juice I'll go up till I find where it tastes best, after of course the juice has wicked a bit. If you get a burnt taste go back down, its easier IMO to use VW instead of VV, vv is fussy and I had to fiddle w it all the time. Congrats on your juice tasting better and the new MVP!
  3. Ewww see they like you! They let me think it was algebra :P
  4. What nic level are you using, and are ya drinking tons of water??? Seriously some juice can really make me sick, especially fruit flavors if I'm at all low on fluids.
  5. Welcome to vapor talk. What flavors did you get?
  6. Yes, its algebra or trig, just when you think you have it they throw another one out there... thanks now I Dont feel so alone.
  7. Switched over to a really old raspberry lemonade, sweetener helped lots, thanks Tam!
  8. And you need backups in case the ones ya picked need to steep longer, or Dont taste just right, backups need backups.. Welcome to my world... lol
  9. Lol! I bet ya silly man blue flame woofing up in ones face has that tendency. Let not do that again soon boys okay???
  10. I could like that I think, caramel though, is it really sweet?
  11. Monkey bars? Sounds better then fairy farts .. okay I give??
  12. ^^^^ what Tam said^^^^ glad its working, you don't have to fill a tank completely, but you would have to clean it out if its not vapeable yet ... It'll be more amazing youll see.
  13. Got two packages today! Mt Baker Vapor - Cinnamon Roll, Sugar Cookie & banana nut bread. Ma was craving baked goods Our Tameiki sent: FLaN huge big bottle (smells so Good) Sweetener boxes of coils & a brand new Davide mini! Its Christmas in Mt! Omg tam this is amazing! I'm set for a long long time. Your an angel truly thank you so much!
  14. I went to drs appt, and Dr saw my vtr and said BTW, you are very welcome to vape that in my office. Thought that was cool!
  15. Those feather are from grabbing that rooster by the tail feathers and giving attitude adjustment
  16. Uh huh, that you do dear! I hope you feel better soon.
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