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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. If your using the nic to get some of the stimulating affects, it doesn't happen the way your looking at it. You'll get physically dependant on the nic (probably the sic feeling) and when you stop, you'll gain weight defeating your purpose on that point.
  2. The clock ticks ever so slowly.. oh no someone had to mention popcorn, I have a bottle of buttered popcorn sitting in the post office, all alone till morning. :sad:
  3. PBusardo does a u tube video on crab juice, very nasty. Bacon flavor I could Not imagine vaping... it just sounds very wrong. Sounds like your set ups are working, doesn't take long to figure it out really, everyone's so helpful here. As long as we can keep off stinkies, and enjoy it all is well.
  4. Oh good. Its not like a stinky crept the vapor would hang in the air a bit. Air freshener that's it! bet you get amazing clouds there w humidity..
  5. Introduction: juice meet fish, fish meet juice... *giggle*
  6. Wow that's a bonus, good find. Can't you vape at work? Oh forgot your in NY, I miss it but..
  7. See if I'm gonna break something I Dont want it to be 40-50 bucks worth, and I better just love it.
  8. Alternating FLaN & mojito so I keep my taste going...
  9. Mine is too w pro tank or trophy on it. But if its any consolation, Dont sweat dropping it so much I've dropped mind several times, kringed picked them up and vaped on not even a ding. But now that that's said....
  10. Oops that must have been Nasty! I can chain Vape on my protank all day long and not have a issue, maybe I just can't taste it who knows ..
  11. I have a vtr same difference but I vape at the same 7.5-8, I go a bit higher sometimes w other juices. Sounds like you might want to change the coil. But I'm no expert.
  12. Try changing the coil regal, it might be what y Your having issues w ( stupid phone sorry)
  13. Did you change the coil? I had that w tanks and depending on color of juice they can crap up quick, coils that come w tanks I believe are banged.around too much and go faster then others.
  14. Oh Good! All safe and accounted for then lol. Thanks Comp!
  15. Well less traffic, that silver lining dontcha know. Sleep well
  16. Have you heard from Joe Joe? Last he was heading home.. Worry about you boys ya know.
  17. Are you seeing a lot of destruction from those storms?
  18. Good Morning, where are ya where ya headed son???
  19. Well if its set to VW-P for power, the volts will set automatically, its just easier that way for me.
  20. Vapingeek has a utube video on mini pro tank 3 sorry I have no idea how to do of Dont have one.
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