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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. That's true.. and I did too, boy was I sick..
  2. I'm the same Rcam, although I did go a bit higher and can w Fadora vapors stuff. Just didn't need it so saved the battery.
  3. 2 inches overnight here, rained & hailed all day yesterday, cold wet snow ... pretty, but more then my old bones can tolerate.
  4. I was told after having issues w the patch, it takes 3/days for the level of nicotine to build to the danger point (for most) and 3-5 days after the patch was removed for the levels to drop, however once the tachycardia an sickness began it could take longer for the side affects or reaction to stop. The mineral imbalances in the muscles from dehydration etc, so I can see how a week of feeling horrible would be true. Mine was from the patch and cigarettes (light 100's) I would not want to deal w what you went thru. I was monitored after by medical drs in the hospital.
  5. Give it a shake too. Now I have to see what I want to try..
  6. Okay how did you get the custard? Ex sweetener, ex flavor? Vanilla custard?
  7. Your trying however you can, keep it up, everyone screws up, just glad you made it thru.
  8. Yay! Thats one I want to try.. Alice in vape land. Let the cookie steep w the cap off it could totally change.
  9. I'm gonna leave that^^^ one alone, yep way to tired to kick that sleeping dog
  10. From Fadora Vapors Snickerdoodle- perfect cinnamon sugar cookie. buttered popcorn, I Dont know how, it really tastes like buttered popcorn minus the old maids Purple glass for kpt (its so pretty) Airflow base (makes a huge difference) Now I have candy, cookies and popcorn, all in purple. Ma's very happy.
  11. Ewww that could be good! Hmm, better then bacon pizza and they make that!
  12. Green is nice after all the white we've had here, but we're flooding pretty bad in lower elevations. But the hay will be cheap I'm hoping.
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