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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Trying my new MBV's banana nut bread,
  2. There isn't really a silver lining... is there. be safe
  3. That's true they do sometimes longer then the two weeks suggested, good point
  4. I cracked a tank (second one) walking out of a store I bought it in, all I had in it was apple, I got to the parking lot and had a hand full of juice. That was all it took for me! Live & learn
  5. You would think, I'm trying to find a good creamy vanilla myself and thought about that one, was afraid of the outcome.. am seriously considering the sherbert now... Save it, if you get one that needs a boost add a drop of the cream to it,
  6. Sweet cream tastes like butter to me ( the real stuff)
  7. That's perfect! No wasn't his fault but they followed thru. Nice of them and speedy delivery as.well.
  8. Mine too, if it isn't purple well then why have IMO, OK so going to look for a purple spinner thanks B!
  9. Yay weren't you waiting for the orange to come in??
  10. Jeez had to whack him a couple of times w the fish bat to get his ATTN..... dang fishy.
  11. Amazing how that sharpens ya right up isn't it?? I know that all too well
  12. Or fadoravapor.com does. Lol stupid phone! Wasn't my fault this time comp!!!
  13. Depending in what juice you like as well, you may want to look into a glass tank. Plastic tanks can crack w citrus, mint and cinnamon flavors.
  14. I'm doing 40pg/60vg flavors there and the clouds are better, but I guess I would see if one has the option for extra flavor to be added at a lower pg. I do add extra
  15. I love my Davide mini for flavor and vapor w/o having to use the adapter, so I haven't tried it on there. However, it sure made a difference on my kpt 2.
  16. There are several discussions on the best and worst tanks, maybe look thru those.
  17. During allergy season I can't vape anything fruity especially in the morning, late evening yes. Mint does help the soreness, I also switched to 40/60 pg/vg and I have less of a problem. I do bakery flavors in the am, sweet buttery does better anything tart and I'm miserable.
  18. Heard good reviews but haven't tried them, yet.. lol
  19. Oh I bet, after my last lil oops getting 18 after being mostly at 6mg noo more for me
  20. I never thought of it being the instant nic, but your absolutely right. Later I got caught smoking and had to smoke a bunch of pall malls I think they were, no where near as sick and smoked ever since..
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