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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. I've heard if its sealed like a new bottle, not a big deal.
  2. Do you have krogers or city market there? They usually have it.
  3. Lol, glad nothing went wrong at least other then it didn't work
  4. As a thought, diabetics have issues already w dehydration, vaping can cause dehydration. Which on turn can screw w your numbers, t2 diabetics have insulin resistance, so there for lack of fluids can make this a larger issue. I have to hydrate like crazy stress of quitting smoking can cause #'s to rise as well. Try testing before you Vape such as a fasting look at blood sample, Vape wait a 1/2- 1 hour test again watch the sample, as you go higher your sample is darker, as you Vape the same occurs, if your not drinking. If you drink water in between the levels should be normal Back to the old well taught lesson to most diabetics, drinking fluids will bring down your sugars, that's why when we go high we get thirsty, our blood needs the fluids. I'm not a Dr just a diabetic of 29 yrs. off my soap box.
  5. That was why are ya doing what your doing ???
  6. Lol, sounds like its time consuming and requires a great deal of patience. And a pain in the azz
  7. Oops I'm the queen of derailing today ... sorry
  8. The vv/vw says its charged, but not always. I'm not the most patient person either. If its green its go!! If its yellow its go faster and red is not quite dead. Hmm
  9. Ugh well crap ruined my perfect science...
  10. ^^^^algebra^^^^ it takes until the light turns green here in Mt. Lol
  11. What a good boy you are crush,
  12. Wasn't a full derail just rerouted thru Ontario ..
  13. No, that would inter fear in our vaping & buying time.... silly boy!
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