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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. How many glycerin bars have you... I do 30/70 but lose flavor, so I add extra so far so good.
  2. Welcome to Vt, What are ya vaping on?
  3. Closest I can find is a.smoktech kick I think it.was.
  4. Tops wrong for a kpt2, not a trophy either... What pg/vg ratio are ya using
  5. Margaritas pretty darn good huh? Of course it would be, but you know what mean.. been eyeing it a lot.
  6. I love watermelon too, so far even though I am a little perturbed at Charles & comp... his watermelon is really freakin good! Not candy type its real watermelon, drip down your chin good, I tried a bunch and none compare. Seriously he has great melons.. Definitely something odd about Charles knowing about comps melons... hmph, dontcha think?
  7. LMFAO Shhh moth man hasn't been around maybe he's stalking Charles, that's good! I want mine too dammit! Comp is grounded to the kitchen till we get ours no worries, unless he eats it all! Again.
  8. Its a trick! He's talking comp out of the beaters behind our back..
  9. Your in big trouble Dont come out of your kitchen till told other wise...
  10. You are grounded from Vape mail until further notice! Hand over the mod! Wait till I talk w compenstine
  11. It hit a sweltering 68° in the sun today. I think I took my lined flannel off for a half hour today. But the lake is glass today the sun was shining, its green everywhere..
  12. Welcome to Vt, and a huge thanks for your service. Congrats on quitting!
  13. Hey that's an idea. Use hairspray blow it down the tip thingy ... gotcha good idea.wow your smart
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