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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. I Dont know I use tapatalk, its still active Im pretty sure just Dont know how many use it.
  2. I've not been here that long maybe Jeff , Chris or Tameiki would remember. Bet they'll be along shortly[emoji4]
  3. Welcome back, theres a couple I bet from back when..
  4. Dont rush yourself seriously it'll happen. Sounds like a good one! Tastes may change,
  5. I just read.another.study, there are.several actually quite a few on the molds and bacterias that can and.cannot grow in pig and VG. Bacteria doesn't live in VG, however molds and mildews can. Google it pretty interesting stuff.
  6. I'm usually at 1.0-1.3 on mine, its not gonna happen then, drat. Back to the drawing board
  7. Sony vtc 5 or Samsung inr 18650 the latest "popular" safe chemistry battery.
  8. Congratulations! People are great here super helpful. So welcome to Vt,
  9. I have a magma and the flavor is amazing, I agree. I have a Russian 91% and love it, nice tank easy to rewick, same great flavor better vapor then a tank. Easy to spot clean a coil and fill and reuse if necessary. Wicking can be a trick I've had two leaks my fault but this is my only tank I'll use now. My kpt, Davide all leaked a bit. Welcome to vt.
  10. That's great to know !! Great video too. I was wondering how to use 100% VG better in my Russian it was slow w cotton. Hemp is horrible in my opinion, taste wise. Thanks to both of you good info.
  11. Mtdobies

    New coil

    I'm using cheaters more and more these days magnifying glasses would be perfect.
  12. Mtdobies

    New coil

    Super thx, now I wish I'd kept my uncles...
  13. Mtdobies

    New coil

    You have my attention, where can they be acquired?
  14. Mtdobies

    New coil

    Exactly, I wonder if scopes made my eyes lazy, its the excuse I'll now use though nicer then I'm old which is the fact. And I tried the camera on the phone too lol, its got a lousy focus and zoom.
  15. I've done that too. So I saved them aside to help another vapor starting out and it worked. Anything to keep someone off analogs. That's kinda spendy for a giveaway. I tried peppermint patty liquid and loved it, from ecigvaporjuicestore.com they are all RDA people and haven't gotten a bad juice from them, reasonable price too. I love mint & chip ice cream its worth a shot since I can't have the real thing anymore. The only ADV I have to have is SVC.aphrodesiac escape which I can't live w/o and fairy tears. Ones a strawberry vanilla cream, the other is a vanilla custard cream w light strawberry finish. Those two I Vape till they're gone, Have for months.
  16. I like the glass bottles, they are reuse able and in my mind if plastic tanks leach into juice ahh the plastic bottles do too. Mint chocolate chip?!?! Okay I might leave Some chocolate strawberry, lol not much but will have to try the mint n chip too.
  17. Does the flavor die off pretty quick? I got a.sample of some Japanese cotton and the second day I'm getting vapor still but really muted flavor.
  18. I'm going to try it, I've wanted a good chocolate and love strawberry hmm 120mls good. That's impressive & in max vg, I'm gonna go there now. Thx
  19. Mtdobies

    New coil

    Ive read of people doing that, that must have hurt! I have done the same read of someone doing something being preoccupied, kinda shaking my head and yep it happens to me next! Worst part is I knew better lol. So kinda made sense to accept my oops announce it and take the thrashing its part of the fun, makes me feel better laughing at myself I guess. Glad you didn't get hurt too bad.
  20. I've heard of one, but not in the act of actual vaping. But in mod and button stuck and wasn't noticed. Things are going to happen even if you aren't sub or super sub ohm.
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