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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. A 50/50 juice would kick my rear hard on a .6 ohm build try going to a way lower pg level.
  2. I think it also matters w the flavoring being pg based even in a 100% VG we know if its got a pg based flavor its not.. I tried 6 and went into faux hot flashes, Lol. At 3 I Vape all day but certainly Dont Vape as much as none sub ohm. I believe its the warmth of the vapor.
  3. Just heat and rinse. I did a 6 wrap 2.0ohm for.my Russian, Dont like it works well but not my favorite wire. Pain to wick and not have it move around. But in a high pg or 50/50 for me a high pg even a 1.5 had me coughing. But the Vape is too cool on high ohms so idk
  4. I Dont like 32 gauge, work well but not for me.
  5. Kayfun or russian imo is much the much better.choice.Building a coil is not difficult as it may seem. And lasts a lot longer as you can rewick instead of tossing the whole deal as well. Manager pro tank w airflow base is almost as good. But does not touch it for flavor and less expense, maintenance etc.
  6. I get sick on certain flavors too, certain mixes. But I tried 6 nic and omg I did the same..I was at 12, now I use 3 or nothing.
  7. It does earthling! Its gorgeous, I'm looking at my stingray w new ideas.
  8. Your home! That's great. Bet it feels good. I believe the juice would evaporate quickly in Fl.[emoji6] Lmao
  9. That's beautiful, really really nice. You did that w mustard and ammonia ? Incredible.
  10. I live in Nw Montana only about 60 m from the border as the crow flies. I've had -30 and lower and although the juice in my tank jelled much like diesel fuel will it didn't get worse it was on the ice fishing and exposed to weather for several hrs, No problems w it harming the tank or juice. Just made it difficult to Vape like it would be w full VG actually a bit worse, but stuffed it in my pocket in a couple minutes it was fine. Juice did the same.. left in the truck by accident, It survived. Battery didn't hold a charge well seemed to affect it more. Its gonna be a cold one this winter I'm thinking, stay warm.
  11. Welcome to VT! Lots of help w cloudchasing here!. Pretty good starter.vids on YouTube too.
  12. A new line came out right up to their usual standards. Awesome flavors in 15ml glass bottles, child safety cap glass drippers complete label. I tried 2 today.. $10.00 each well worth every penny, presteeped. 1 Custards battlefield- a wonderful nice rich Vape, excellent vapor production. Creamy custards w a nice exhale of cream. 2. Big Sky- again fantastic.flavor, nice vapor. A taste of blueberry, strawberry and a touch of a citrus maybe in a creamy amazingly tastey juice. 50/50 11nic in my Russian on a 1.0 ohm coil. I asked about a 100% vg, sounds like its in the works just not yet here. Its really good. Now I have to ask about the 120 ml. [emoji1]
  13. Dont make mistakes..[emoji1]
  14. Big tobacco is now making our toys too, the mission to regulate has begun. [emoji20]
  15. However efest may be fine, its personal choice. Efest is not a battery manufacturer themselves, so they purchase batteries from manufacturers, Sony and samsung. Quality control may differ, its a constant debate, no need to continue IMO, I personally.would only purchase what I believe.to be safer more reliable batteries from the producers. I feel safer in quality control. Just my .02 worth[emoji4]
  16. Haha, as long as your being safe why not?[emoji4]
  17. OK how are ya doing it? Scary when you get bored lol, never know what you'll create. Found this stuff.creates all kinds of different colors on various metals.
  18. And that's not all they use, certainly a driving force in why I quit for sure bleh
  19. Look at riptrippers videos he has several. Do a YouTube search.
  20. Yea stealth Vape blow it into your tie or something lol.
  21. Having a little bit of fun? ^^^
  22. Vapors toolbox is an app that will tell you all that stuff. Better to go higher ohms Dont want to push. Its still a good vape at.higher ohms, its the building your own coil and wicking that makes the difference IMO.
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