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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. I love the patina look, but I love the copper look. Im whining cause I want a overdose, akuma and .... I Dont known if I'd be brave enough but they sure are beautiful.
  2. The very last of my aphrodesiac escape. Drat!
  3. I do, not in places where people could be offended, restaurants and the like, but I do Vape outside in most places. How will people accept it if they Dont see it, don't feel comfortable asking questions and the like. Vape away, considerately though.. [emoji4]
  4. I think you did well w the magma. Seattle vapor co is great too. Yay!
  5. I got A special package from the moth man, I really wanted twisted wire coils so badly. I have them now Moth antennae, Woot! And he was sweet enough to add a bunch of drill bits for wrapping no excuses now. Bwuahaha
  6. Bushwick, check out the competition cap on congrevape.com, not spendy and fits a few rdas
  7. Ohh that's not good, you'll never live that.one down. Proceed w vaping..
  8. Does to me its designed that way. You can also run a piece of floss in the grooves then put the o ring over it. I Dont have any issues w driptip on mine though.
  9. No I'm grateful for the input, sounds Like a pain I'll scratch that off the list thx
  10. I have a big bore never noticed the loss. But I get ex flavor shots so doesnt count. My cats 19, old and cranky. Lol
  11. Really? I'd be coughing up a serious lung I have used 30/70 that was okay, but pg does bother me w throat hit anyway took harsh.
  12. BTW, IMO cats hate clouds.. mine is not impressed at all, she leaves the room, lol
  13. The magma does max flavor IMO, mines a clone and its better I think then the big block. Big block doesn't have the airflow I'm told.
  14. If you want a cloud chaser look at the competition doge, and the competition doge cap. On congrevape.com Or vapordna has a CLT I think it is, its the first original from infinite. And vaperoyalty is having a nice sale right now. I personally am getting the competition cap and RDA I believe.
  15. I love my magma, I have done .3 to .5 ohms. Clouds are nice, nice airflow no adjustments needed. Its designed more for flavor then super sub-ohms, I love it. I am looking into a plume veil and a couple other to go lower on just to play. My magma is the best I use it as all the time RDA
  16. Bad, very bad idea... if you get caught that is.
  17. Ya I think fla would be a nice change, we can visit dragongunner, he won't mind. Extra help watching the juice bwuahaha It seemed to work my vv3 down pretty fast by the first good cold ice fishing trip, noticed holding charge dropped each time.
  18. What MVince said. I looove my Russian 91%
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