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    Iowa, USA

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  1. I said that once I recieved my shipment that I would give a little review of sorts, so here it is. OK so, I ordered my stuff on Thursday from Baton Rouge, La and recieved it in Iowa on Saturday morning. So SUUUUUPER fast shipping, SWEET! Everything was packaged very nicely. The batteries were rolled in bubble wrap, the the Aspire tanks and coils came in factory boxes (although, on the tanks, if you only order 1 it probably will not due to the fact that they come 2 to a box), and all the other little pieces came in heat sealed plastic all linked together. Everything is genuine, everything works great right out of the box, and I got free shipping because I ordered over $75, BONUS! OK so I'm gonna disclose what I ordered just because I want people to understand how low priced this place is. I ended up getting 4 Pyrex Aspire BDC Vivi Nova-S tanks, 2 Vision Spinner 1300mah batteries, 2 Stainless steel Ego skirt sleeve cones, and 1 pack of 5 Aspire BDC replacement coils (all coils were the updated 2 hole design) all for only $85 and some change. This is still $3 cheaper then the next most cost efficient vendor I could find and I had 2 more tanks on my order through this place. One thing that I did want to note is that I recieved 2 different style cone sleeves, one has air channels cut into it and the other doesn't but has a little play that you can adjust the airflow that way. This was no big deal to me as I liked the adjustable one and my husband liked the one with channels and if you did want a certain style there is a place to write special instructions about the order on the review screen right before you comfirm. So my inital opinion is OUT-F*ING-STANDING!!! Now that being said, it is my first order from them so this is all I have to go by AND its only Sunday night, so I haven't really had time to see how long any of these products are gonna last or anything like that, so please keep that in mind. Again thanks for reading and check this place out. Here is a link http://www.vaporfusion.com/
  2. Hi there. I was wondering if anyone had ever used the VaporFusion site? I came across this site after about 6 hours of digging and comparing prices at this vendor and that. I was curious to see what kind of experiences others may have had with them as alot of places that have extremely good deals tend to fall into a catagory of the old addage "If it seems to good to be true than it usually is". I was very leary to order from them due to that fact but I did look through their products and found that they do carry a knock-off of a specific product, that I can't seem to remember what it was at the moment, but they had it listed as a knock-off which I found encouraging, as well as a facebook following and good reviews on there as a whole. So I went ahead and placed an order with them (which was shipped the same day) and am currently awaiting that arrival. One thing I did want to touch on was that they do have a live chat customer service which happened to be off line at in the wee hours of the morning when I was ordering but you can leave a message, which I did, and was promptly answered. So I guess so far so good. I'll post on this topic once I get the items in hand and probably again once Ive had a chance to use them for a bit and see how they hold up. But please if anyone has had any kind of expreience with this company please post, I'm really interested in hearing your opinions. Thanks for reading
  3. Thank you all for the warm welcome
  4. Hiyas everyone! I don't really know what to say, just wanted to introduce myself and figured a little background would be good to start with. I have been a cigarette smoker since I was 14. Yikes! I quit once for 6 months but it obviously didn't last. In October this year my mom died from cancer at the age of 51. She had been a 30+ year smoker and had finally quit 5 months before being diagnosed. I was there for the "ride" and stood by her side through all the hospital stays and surgeries, the radiation, even shaved my head to match her when she started chemo and all her hair fell out and never left her bedside once we reached hospice. So, moral of the story, I figured there probably wouldn't ever be a better motivational reason to quit and yet I still couldnt. I was actually smoking more than ever before due to the stress of the situation. The Problem: I love smoking plain and simple. Anyone who was or is a smoker knows why, so I know I don't have to explain and the patches and the nicotine gum weren't coming close to touching the cravings. I knew I was doomed! So bascally out of desperation really I went to the local smoke shop and bought a cheapo knock off ego type battery and clearomizer and gave it a whirl. I have to tell you that honestly I had no optimism that it was going to help at all. But here I am 6 days later cigarette-free and down on actual nicotine intake. Granted the cheap stuff doesnt taste the best, but not a bad place to start. I am greatful to have found this alternative, as well as this forum to guide me through my continued vaping experiance. There is a ton of great info on here. So, anyway, uhhh thats my story and thanks for reading.
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