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  1. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in Noobie Guide To Vaping   
    VERY NICE JOLLY!!! U just got a +1 too!!!!
  2. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from kitsune in Not a newbie!   
    LOL I guess not!!!
  3. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from Uma in My latest project   
    Just saw this on FB and had to come check out the forums! Damn it's been a while! That thing looks great Mark!!
  4. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from Uma in Not a newbie!   
    Hey guys! 3+ years and STILL vapin!! Using the old standby eGo, Jolly's Tekkeon Mod and Marks Mod #51! (although I need a new Batt and charger for it! ) I know I said I'd quit vapin when I left here last but looks like I'll take them to the grave! I am so glad I found this forum years ago and the great people here made it easy for me to quit analogs!

  5. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from Mark in My latest project   
    Just saw this on FB and had to come check out the forums! Damn it's been a while! That thing looks great Mark!!
  6. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from mcquinn in Not a newbie!   
    Hey guys! 3+ years and STILL vapin!! Using the old standby eGo, Jolly's Tekkeon Mod and Marks Mod #51! (although I need a new Batt and charger for it! ) I know I said I'd quit vapin when I left here last but looks like I'll take them to the grave! I am so glad I found this forum years ago and the great people here made it easy for me to quit analogs!

  7. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from MenopauseMolly51 in Poll - Vapor Talk E Liquid Vg   
    I'd love to see VG! I've found that vaping PG all day leaves an odd taste/feeling my mouth and lips feeling a but dry. VG doesn't.
  8. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from kitsune in Health Observation   
    Going on 2 years here myself and never felt better! I have not noticed ANY negative effects!
  9. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from kitsune in One Year!   
    Won't be long now!!! Not even vaping much now! All I have is my trusty Jolly TEKK mod and my Mark Mod. RY4 and Flue Cured Tobacco juice...a few cartos....that's it. It has been a great journey and I hope I have helped some people just as well as all you guys and gals helped me!

    Mark, Jolly, Chris, Nox, Ben, nana, kitsune, Mary Ann, Big Jim, Home Daddy, ouster, stormchas3r, jag ......and anyone I forgot.......

    Thank You all from the bottom of my heart.

    Each one of you helped me become "SMOKE FREE" !!!!!
  10. Like
    ThaHodgehound reacted to PsychoMaster in How Many Of You Have A Ddd?   
    My fiance is my ddd. I hope the cartos I ordered work well, so I don't have to bug her as often! I know she says she don't mind, but still it would be nice not to have to have her do it for me! (She is also the one who encouraged me, very heavily I might add, to start vaping and quit smoking. She likes being able to hug and kiss me while smelling something that doesn't smell like an ashtray).
  11. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from MissKitty47 in How To Direct Drip   
  12. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from egoluvr in What Is An E-Cig?   
    Just a simple description of an E Cig and how it works......

  13. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from Tagsanstuff in What Is An E-Cig?   
    Just a simple description of an E Cig and how it works......

  14. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from Vacker1229 in Are Women Born Like This?   
    OMG!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hilarious!!
  15. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from MaryAnn in Mark Makes Marvelous Mods   
    Nice!! The Mark Mod, for reasons unknown, seems to regenerate older attys or cartos. Mark and I discussed this and we seem to think that there is less resistance due to the body being wood and not metal. Maybe I'm just rambling but that's my story and I'm stickin to it! LOL Congrats!!!!!!!
  16. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from gmf1 in How To Direct Drip   
  17. Like
    ThaHodgehound reacted to snubber in On My Way Through The Mall   
    I'll try to make this short. Walking through the mall today with my big blue Ego and as I started to pass the "white cloud" kiosk the guy working there said" what's that? So of course I stopped and showed him. We struck up a conversation about the differences between his units and the Ego. At first he tried to give me the sales talk about how his lasted a long time and all (you know the pitch). So we're talking and vaping and the Ego is just blowing his little device away. He's new to vaping so he's really uninformed except what he's learned for work. Ok...so he's liking the Ego and I put on my 2.0 LR carto filled with Midnight. He has those little condom covers for people to try his stuff with so I let him try my Midnight. He's floored! Then I give him another Ego, this one has Mentha...now he's staggering. One more try with Exotic Tobacco...he's down for the count. Well to wrap this up...after some more talking I've given him back one of his cards with Vaportalk.com written on it. He's going to check us out. Wants to see about the Ego and he's working again Fri. and I should stop bye again for more info. I think I'll take him some sample bottles of Vt juices, that should clinch it. End of story.

    p.s. sometimes this is just so much fun. (like shooting fish in a barrel)
  18. Like
    ThaHodgehound reacted to Jolly in Noobie Guide To Vaping   
    (Please only post questions OR additional noobie info in here to keep this thread clean. ie: no thank you, good post, etc, posts)

    This is to help you play catch up on what the veterans know.

    Basic ecig Parts

    A.) Cartridge - holds the ejuice and is also a mouth piece. this part can be replaced with a drip tip and is what most do
    B.) Atomizer - has an element that heats up the ejuice and as you pull air threw it vapor is produced.
    * sub B section - you can also use cartomizers, they are atomizers with filler to hold juice and are a tad shorter in size.
    C.) battery - these will be 3.7v Lithium Ion batteries, they supply the power to the atomizer. they come in auto (activated by suction) or manual (activated by button)

    Common Ecigs

    What's the best ecig
    This is more dependent on how you vape and your needs for vapor, throat/lung hit, battery life needs and other factors.
    Most people will advise the ego/tornado/riva as they all have a nice battery life and are built good (ego being the favorite of the three)
    this is the ego mega and regular batteries with manual buttons

    Ecig Model Numbers
    These are based on the atomizer they use
    when one says 510 kit, they generally are referring to the cigarette shaped ecig. like the first picture of this post.

    Why we tell you not to get cigarette shaped ecigs
    A cigarette shaped battery runs $12 for a normal manual 510

    9hrs at $20 (ego battery) 540mins
    45mins (510 kit battery) 540 ÷ 45 = 12
    12 (batteries) x $12 = $144

    so for mAh (Milliamp hours), it is a lot less expensive to buy a larger battery.
    this will also keep you from having to buy more batteries. explained after next set of math.

    510 kit batteries needed for 9hrs
    9hrs (540mins) ÷ (45min run time + 2hr charge time = 165mins) = 3.272727273 batteries needed to run 9hrs on 510 kit
    3 x $12 = $36 - 1 ego battery = $20 = $16 saved. that is initial cost only!!

    45min x 2 is what you have ready to go after your first needs charged (90mins).
    your first battery is going to take 2hrs to charge so by the time you run out the other two the first is done charging.
    so just to keep going you would need at bare minimum you want two 510 chargers, this means more $$.
    why you ask? at night when you don't have a single battery to use, you will only be able to charge 1 while you sleep. it would be more ideal to have 3 or one of the larger chargers that do more than one and have no less than 10 batteries ready to go.
    on top of this when you go out you will have a pocket full of batteries, making this not a very portable device to bring with you.

    other than that you have to recharge more often and the more you charge the more you replace. batteries have an # of recharges before they start failing to keep their charge. now you may say by logic that you are only charging once on those small batteries in that 9hr time, so there isn't an issue on life, BUT, the smaller the battery the less times you can charge it before the failing starts. also consider that you have 3 batteries that will fail

    First Order
    When you get an ecig make sure that you have spares of everything.
    the atomizers, cartomizers, batteries, and juice are all going to need purchased at some point again.
    Your first cart should consist of NO LESS than, 5 atomizers, 2 packs of cartomizers (5 in a pack), your kit, 2 extra batteries (i would advise mega batteries), 1 extra charger, and a nice amount of juice.
    the last thing you want is to have to wait on something you didn't buy enough of to come in. if one thing is missing you will go right back to smoking, nobody wants that.

    Mods and Why
    Mods are usually over looked or not even known to noobies of the ecig world.
    these devices can be anywhere from 3.7v to 8.4v.
    the point is that some people need one of two things, longer battery life with less cost and/or an aggressive throat hit.
    as a newbie i wouldn't advise a mod above 3.7v that doesn't have the option to go as low as 4.2v
    if it is not a variable voltage you are stuck on that till you get something lower if you don't like it.
    i say 4.2v because any 3.7v battery charges UP TO 4.2v. most people love vaping that initial fresh charged battery. voltage drops after usage to as low as 2.9v

    Mods will use batteries like these

    these are all 3.7v batteries with a much longer charge life vs a kit ecig.
    you can find almost all of these batteries from US suppliers for $5 each.
    a 3.7v mod using the largest battery (18650) can last you 4+ days @ $8 for the battery.

    some mods can last up to 4+ days before needing to be recharged.

    I'm not going to go into mods or pictures of mods. you can do that on your own, also watch youtube videos about the mods before thinking its large.
    the standard ones people use are
    silver bullet
    tekk mod (prone to cracking at the top unless you find someone that knows how to make them correctly)
    some sort of wetbox (check reviews of these missys wetbox fails quite often due to her under rated buttons and cost $15 to fix)
    (there are a crazy amount of mods out there, this is just a small list of the most talked about)



    Noob - Beginner
    OP - Original Post(er)
    Analog - Regular Cigarette
    Mod - Homemade device or a Moderator.
    Pull - The act of sucking on the mouthpiece to pull the vapor into your mouth
    TH - Throat Hit (The tingling sensation in the back of your throat)
    Vapor - the "smoke" emitted from an e-cigarette
    Vape, Vaping - The use of an e-cigarette (similar to the term "smoking" when referring to an analog)
    Topping off - Adding drops of e-liquid to your current cartridge.
    Dripping - Vaping by adding a few drops of e-liquid directly on the atomizer instead of using a cartridge.
    Dipping - Sticking the bridge of the atomizer in e-liquid.


    E-cig or E-cigarette - Electronic Cigarette
    PV - Personal Vaporizer
    Atty - Atomizer
    Cart - Cartridge
    Bat - Battery
    Filler - The fiber found inside your cartridge that holds your e-liquid
    PCC - Personal Charging Case
    SD - ScrewDriver
    JS - Janty Stick
    PT - Passthrough or passthrough battery
    2-piece/Disposable - 2 part e-cigarette. The Battery and a "cartomizer".
    Cartomizer - An atomizer built into the cartridge, marketed as disposable (you throw it away when the e-liquid is used up).
    3-piece - 3 part e-cigarette. Battery, Atomizer, and Cartridge.
    Cutoff - Refers to how long the battery will activate the atomizer before shutting down (safety measure to protect the atomizer).


    E-juice, e-liquid, juice - the liquid nicotine that you fill your cartridges with.
    DIY - Do it yourself (homemade e-liquid mixture)
    PG - Propylene Glycol
    VG - Vegetable Glycerin(Glycerine = glycerin = vegetable glycerin(e) = glycerol)
    PEG - Polylethylene Glycol


    VT - Vaportalk
    VG - Vaporgalaxy
    VB - Vaporbomb
    ENS - electronicstix
    JC - Johnson Creek
    PS - PureSmoker
    TW - Totally Wicked
    EST - E-smokeytreats
    JS - JantyStick
    SD - ScrewDriver
    GG - The GG!


    FDA - Food and Drug Administration
    ECA - Electronic Cigarette Association
    NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patch, gum, e-cig)
    PH - Public Health
    BP - Big Pharmaceutical Companies
    BT - Big Tobacco Companies
    ALF - American Legacy Foundation
    'Anti's - Anti-smoking people who do not acknowledge that vaping is a viable alternative to smoking analogs.
    RYO - Roll your own (tobacco)

    Universal Forum Lingo

    AFAIK - As Far As I Know
    BTW - By The Way
    DOA - Dead On Arrival (didn't work from the moment I got it)
    FWIW- For What It's Worth
    FYI - For Your Information
    IDK - I Don't Know
    IIRC - If I Recall/Remember Correctly
    IMO or IMHO - In My Opinion or In My Humble Opinion (some mean 'H' to be Honest)
    IOW - In Other Words
    JK or JJ - Just Kidding or Just Joking
    JS - Just Saying
    OMG or OMFG - Oh My God and it's adult extension
    PITA - Pain In The ***
    PWN - Own or "dominate"
    ROTFLOL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
    ROTFLMFAO - ^ Adult Extension of above
    SOL - (can't be helped or fixed)
    (SP?) - Used when unsure of the spelling of the previous word
    TIA - Thanks In Advance
    TMI - Too Much Information (too personal)
    TOS - Terms Of Service ("the rules")
    TROLL - A person that posts in a forum/thread with the sole intention of provoking an argument (can sometimes also imply a "spy")
    TY - Thank You
    WOOT - Exclamation, as in Hooray! (Sometimes: Want One Of Those)
    WTF - Same As below
    WTH - What/Where/Who The Hell
    YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary (your experience may differ from mine)
  19. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from mastiffmom in Wordup   
    I'll second that!!! Jeffrey and the gang are top notch!!
  20. Like
    ThaHodgehound reacted to Ouster in Happy Halloween Pif Contest   
    Happy Halloween!!!
    Well guys I just happen to have a spare PCC for a Joye 510 along with 3 batteries and 2 atomizers that a friend just returned to me!! Why did they return em???....cause they quit altogether!!! No more smoking or vaping!!! I'm very happy that I was able to be apart of them giving it all up!! So...its PIF time! This contest will be pics of you in your BEST COSTUME Contest rules:

    Rule 1- post pics of YOU in your best costume
    Rule 2- No pictures from magazines and No photo shop
    Rule 3- If a full mask is used...must post 2nd pic showing your face!
    Rule 4- Contest ends Nov 2 9pm eastern time....(gives a little time to post after Oct 31 parties)

    Guys, this set has GOOD MOJO!!! So... Good Luck, and as in PIF contest that came before...The Vapor Talk forum will decide the winner on Nov 3 via votes cast on that day ending at 9pm eastern time. One vote per member only!

    Edit: This contest is open to ALL Vapor Talk Forum Members
  21. Like
    ThaHodgehound reacted to Altmed in Fda Very Bad News   
    I guess we should stop eating too! Recently, Prozac was found in shrimp, lead & copper in very high levels are found in drinking water thanks to the chloramines that are water districts add to our water, which our foods are processed with too, making them toxic as well. There has been a complaint filed against numerous food processing plants, including baby foods. Even bottled water has been tainting, so there are toxins everywhere.

    The FDA is far from consumer protection.

    They approve dangerous medical devices that harm/kill people, allow extremely dangerous food additives/synthetic foods, don't require food companies to even label weather our meats are irradiated, colored with potentially deadly allergens in the form dyes, and the steroids in our chickens have totally gotten out of control, Yet the FDA allows the to get away with it, thus many of us can feel anxious, heart racing, or in some situations, stop breathing from being exposed to even the fumes from a kitchen where they are cooking such foods. Thus I have to carry an EpiPen with me everywhere I go, and read labels of everything I eat & even then, I have to avoid certain foods, as the additives not listed can be a huge problem. Diet foods & drinks often contain Olestra (usually in chips & crackers) & the diet drinks that contain aspartame are FAR worse than the alleged cancer-causing saccharine. Aspartame (which is made with wood alcohol and amino acid isolates, phenylalanine and aspartic acid) has been associated with a whole lot worse health problems, many long-term neurological effects, brain damage, and so on (see http://www.wnho.net/aspartame_brain_damage.htm ) & a host of other problems. See http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-side-effects.html for a mind-boggling list, and there are more! Yet!!!

    It is perfectly OK with the FDA to market drinks & foods containing aspartame & it seems the company that created aspartame won the "your product is worse than ours" war, likely with better attorneys & highly questionable research. (My opinion & that of many researchers world-wide.) I will use saccharine, but not aspartame. IMHO, it is a deadly, slow-acting neurotoxin, but it's perfectly OK to market it to children as a healthier food, even though research indicates the contrary, the FDA proposed a ban on saccharine in 1977, created a huge scare that it caused cancer, again IMHO due to highly questionable research by their competitors & now we have aspartame in just about every diet drink in America.

    Watching out for our health? Not for many years IMHO.

    While I agree with full disclosure labeling, it is difficult to resolve the issues of unequal treatment by different companies & industries with the FDA, other than to say it takes a lot of money to get the "right research data" to support your position to get a product approved, even if it is FAR safer than another product. Research statistics can be skewed to show what you want it to show, which sadly is done more often than not.

    eCigs are no exception! ONE bad batch of eJuice, a scientist with a negative view on a product & you can loose.

    In other countries, eCigs or vapor devices are as a way to take certain vitamins & herbs to improve health. Sure, over-doing anything can be harmful or deadly. As with ANYTHING, even water - too much can cause death, but we can't ban water now can we?

    THe FDA ban of ephedra sinica is no different. Did people abuse it & die? It seems so, although I think it was more than likely the chemical version or the extract, ephedrine, that was the culprit. Mix that with a LOT of alcohol & yes, you can have a heart attack. Use it properly & you can treat if not cure asthma & if given corticosteroids it is one of the few things, in small quantities, that can deactivate them & help flush them out of your system should one have an allergic &/or adverse reaction to the corticosteroids. Most doctors will tell you there is, "No known antidote" to an adverse or allergic reaction to corticosteroids. Some will tell you that you, "can't have an allergic reaction, as cortisol is made by your body naturally!" When a medical professional tries to tell you this, you might refer them to the PDR or "Physician's Desk Reference", as that statement is simply not true!

    Here's a list of adverse reactions to corticosteroids, which are FDA approved...
    The following adverse reactions have been reported with corticosteroids, drugs which doctors will tell you there is no antidote for, as I said before. Does this list look like anything that should EVER be used, other than in extreme, life-threatening, emergencies? I think not, but the FDA approves their use & the misconceptions by medical professionals are astounding!)

    Allergic reactions
    Allergic or hypersensitivity reactions, anaphylactoid reaction, anaphylaxis, angioedema.

    Bradycardia, cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac enlargement, circulatory collapse, congestive heart failure, fat embolism, hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopthy in premature infants, myocardial rupture following recent mycocardial infarction (see WARNINGS), pulmonary edema, syncope, tachycardia, thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, vasculitis.

    Acne, allergic dermatitis, cutaneous and subcutaneous atrophy, dry scaly skin, ecchymoses and petechiae, edema, erythema, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, impaired wound healing, increase sweating, rash, sterile abscess, striae, suppressed reactions to skin tests, thin fragile skin, thinning scalp hair, urticaria.

    Decreased carbohydrate and glucose tolerance, development of cushingoid state, glycosuria, hirsutism, hypertrichosis, increased requirements for insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents in diabetes, manifestations of latent diabetes mellitus, menstrual irregularities, secondary adrenocortical and pituitary unresponsiveness (particularly in times of stress, as in trauma, surgery, or illness), suppression of growth in pediatric patients.

    Fluid and electrolyte disturbances
    Congestive heart failure in susceptible patients, Fluid retention, hypokalemic alkalosis, potassium loss, sodium retention.

    Abdominal distention, bowel/bladder dysfunction (after intrathecal administration), elevation in serum liver enzymes levels (usually reversible upon discontinuation), hepatomegaly, increased appetite, nausea, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer with possible subsequent perforation and hemorrhage, perforation of the small and large intestine (particularly in patients with inflammatory bowel disease), ulcerative esophagitis.

    Negative nitrogen balance due to protein catabolism.

    Aseptic necrosis of femoral and humeral heads, calcinosis (following intra-articular or intra-lesional use), Charcot-like arthropathy, loss of muscle mass, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, pathologic fracture of long bones, postinjection flare (following intra-articular use), steroid myopathy, tendon rupture, vertebral compression fractures.

    Convulsions, depression, emotional instability, euphoria, headache, increased intracranial pressure with papilledema (pseudotumor cerebri) usually following discontinuation of treatment, insomnia, mood swings, neuritis, neuropathy, paresthesia, personality changes, psychic disorders, vertigo.

    Exophthalmoses, glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure, posterior subcapsular cataracts.

    Abnormal fat deposits, decreased resistance to infection, hiccups, increased or decreased motility and number of spermatozoa, injection site infections following non-sterile administration (see WARNINGS), malaise, moon face, weight gain.

    The following adverse reactions have been reported with the following routes of administration

    Arachnoiditis, bowel/bladder dysfunction, headache, meningitis, parapareisis/paraplegia, seizures, sensory disturbances.

    Allergic reactions, rhinitis, temporary/permanent visual impairment including blindness.

    Increased intraocular pressure, infection, ocular and periocular inflammation including allergic reactions, residue or slough at injection site, temporary/permanent visual impairment including blindness.

    Miscellaneous injection sites
    (scalp, tonsillar fauces, sphenopalatine ganglion): Blindness.

    These reactions can occur from even topical use, as in lotions, yet are more likely from injections.

    Does this sound like the FDA is looking out for our best interests? I think not!

    I do believe the labs where eCig products are made, in general, do their best to be sure their products are not contaminated.

    If approved as a "medical device" by the FDA, there will be no accountability or liability, as per current laws (started 200 that were put into place by the Bush administration. YES! The FDA is seriously behind other countries & responds to hype from those wanting to be heard.

    My hope is that the FDA will drop this "Medical Device" nonsense, so this does not occur with eCigs as it hsa with medical devices..
    Excerpt from : http://biotech.law.lsu.edu/ieee/ieee25.htm
    Medical Device Regulation

    Prior to 1976 there was little federal regulation of medical devices. The FDA could bring a court action to have a dangerous device removed from the market. These actions were based on the FDA's authority to embargo adulterated or misbranded products. While these concepts were well understood for drugs, the courts took them to mean that only the proven dangerous devices, or those that were openly fraudulent could be removed from the market. Even when the courts were willing to act, these proceedings took many years, with the device freely available until the final appeals were over. (It took more than 20 years to remove the orgone accumulator from the market.) To escape regulation, the manufacturer need only modify the device and it could start selling it again, forcing the FDA to begin a new court proceeding.

    Furthermore, from: http://www.naturalnews.com/022713.html , about one such case (and there are tens of thousands) - state courts cannot even hold a manufacturer responsible!
    that "federal law prohibits suing device manufacturers in state courts if the device was approved as safe by the FDA. The decision is expected to have ramifications for a large number of pending lawsuits against manufacturers of devices such as breast implants, defibrillators, artificial heart pumps and valves, drug-coated stents, spinal cord stimulators, and prosthetic hips and knees.

    Because there is no federal law that allows consumers to sue medical device manufacturers for damages, state courts have become a common venue for such suits.
    (MY NOTE: This is no longer the case, as state courts hands are also tied with the 'no liability' loophole & the quality of medical devices, as such, IMHO has declined significantly!)

    The legal reasoning behind the court's decision centered on the wording of the 1976 Medical Device Amendments law. The law, which set in place an FDA pre-approval process for medical devices, explicitly prohibited states from putting in place "any requirement" that is "different from, or in addition to" FDA requirements. In an 8-1 majority, the court ruled that allowing citizens to sue device companies in state courts amounts to "a requirement" that undermines the FDA approval process.

    Writing for the majority, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote that the FDA may approve devices "that present great risks if they nonetheless offer great benefits in light of available alternatives." In other words, there is no requirement that devices actually achieve any reasonable level of safety for all patients. To receive FDA approval and be immunized from lawsuits, medical devices merely have to keep alive slightly more people than they kill."

    Does this sound like a caring or concerned FDA? One county in one state had over 6,000 claims against Medtronic for making faulty pace maker & spinal cord stim, or "SCS" units. The judge 's response is that his hands were tied by the 'no liability' clause, that with that many claims, it was certainly not the doctors at fault (although you have to wonder about kick-backs to implant these devices & no mandatory reporting of funds changing hands will be in effect until 2013 (& I with medical corporations, universities & so on, the money your doctor may get for prescribing a certain amount of medication to x amount of patients for a trip, etc. is unlikely to be found anywhere.

    eCigs, if they become classified as, "Medical Devices" will likely follow suit, with NO checks & balances!

    One need go no further than Google and search, "medical device lawsuit dismissed" to find a multitude of these very types of lawsuits that have been dismissed.

    IF eCigs get the "medical device" green light, I'd be FAR more concerned about the safety of our eCigs & eJuice NOT being as safe!

    The FDA, if they are REALLY looking out for public safety, would leave eCigs alone, just as they are!

    I've never had a problem with mine & have had confidence that the companies making our eCigs have integrity. f the FDA succeeds in classifying eCigs as a "drug delivery system medical device", it could strip away that integrity and protection as it has with other medical devices.

    ALL those people in the dismissed SCS 'medical device' cases were left with the costs of removing the devices (or burying their loved ones who died as a result), without any confidence that there was any other device that might be better. Two other companies make similar devices, yet with really no guaranty that another device would be any better.

    eCigs, or personal vaporizers, are NOT medical devices! Classification of them being as such could be hazardous to our health!

  22. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from BEERCITYVAPRZ in Flavors Don't Taste Like Anything   
    Exactly what brian said!
  23. Like
    ThaHodgehound got a reaction from BEERCITYVAPRZ in A Lil Bizness Boost   
    Yeah Luke always sends me a few with my orders,AND I gotta do another VT order so I can get some too.
  24. Like
    ThaHodgehound reacted to nana in Which One Should I Get?   
    If you really want one that looks like a cigarette, then I'm sure either one would be fine. Vapor Talk and Totally Wicked are both places you can trust. I used to always recommend the 510 (which I'm sure those are, or are at least similar), but started recommending the eGo after it came out. The only reason for that was because of battery life. But if you don't mind changing and charging batteries every hour, that unit should work just fine for you. A lot of people seem to need the look of a "real" cigarette to start out. No problem. Whatever works for you is just great.
  25. Like
    ThaHodgehound reacted to BreakingBad in Which One Should I Get?   
    The last one is the Tornado. It is the same thing as an eGo, just different name. They have other colors than pink. They have black, red and white that I know of. 70% of the time, someone starting out is looking for a model that most resembles a real cigarette. In the end, I would say that only 5-10% really care about that after actually getting the device and using it. You could get the extra batteries. I figured I would do the same thing, but after a week of recharging batteries 4 or 5 times a day, it became a real pain in the butt. I have the black Tornado and it rules. I started out with a model like the first 2 you pictured, and I sent it back the very next day. To me it was worthless. Yeah it kind of looked like a cigarette, but I hardly got any vapor or throat hit. It did not feel like I was using a cigarette and that was a real problem. With the Tornado, while it may not look like a cigarette, it perfoms more like one and that is what really matters. Welcome to Vapor Talk and don't hesitate to ask anymore questions!
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