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Everything posted by Pigeon

  1. I've been practicing this in front of the mirror for a while.. I think this just might work hehe.
  2. Sweet pic! I'm still in that phase where its not that I'm worried I will be confronted, its more that I need to work up a good argument (you know.. can't say well its not smoke its vapor.. and that's it) Really wanna get all those amazing facts together to blow the person away (no pun..or is there?)
  3. Should totally make one where the background is of a nice classy lounge. Dim lighting.. comfy chairs..maybe even a stage? I dunno, just thinking out loud
  4. I am really digging the fruit flavored liquids! Must be into that light and refreshing phase right now I guess
  5. Waffle juice just came! Almost passed out when I smelled it (waaaay too yummy haha) And the taste... ohhh the taste! Ok, I will calm down now..
  6. At first I was purchasing liquids where the flavors were ones I knew I would really enjoy. Then I started getting adventurous. Oh yea.. I totally did. I started choosing liquids where I had absolutely no clue what the outcome of whether or not I liked it would be (which so far has been going well.. no gross liquids yet!) However, so far the only ones I have tried are fruit flavor liquids (i.e. strawberry, lemon, etc.) How realistic tasting are the...hmm.. how to word this.. How do other non-fruit liquids taste? (i.e. cofee, licorice, etc.) Are they pretty realistic tasting? (there we go)
  7. I did the coke and soak recently to a 510 atty that I had because It was not vaping as well as it should have (was only 2 days old) and probably would have worked out for me... except I already had a bunk atty haha. But yea, I've been hearing some talk about the whole 'using coke' and more than a few positives remarks, which is pretty cool.
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