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Everything posted by GravyBoat

  1. I also experienced this when I first started vaping. It will go away with experience and time. You'll figure different mouth-positions that you prefer. Also, your lips might not be used to the vapor on them. The cold+water vapor on your lips will result in chapping.
  2. This is awesome! I wonder if the smartphone shares battery with the ecig...? How would this work? Could it charge while vaping? I don't imagine it would last very long...
  3. Greetings Vapor Talk! First off, I have stumbled upon this forum due to my research per vaping/ecigs/ejuice, etc. It has come up several times, and I decided to check it out. Well today, I decided to become a member here and learn from Veteran vapers and new vapers alike! I am currently 18 years old, and actually started vaping BEFORE I started smoking. I did some research regarding ecigs, and had a few ordered to my house. I started vaping about 2 years ago. I started smoking analog cigs due to hanging around friends that did, and smoking at parties. Before I knew it, I was buying packs every other day... About a year later, I stopped smoking and started on the chew (nasty!). Since then, I am weaning myself off of chew, and back onto vaping! I currently have a massive dip in as I type this, but am trying to convert back to strictly vaping. I'm a lazy bastard sometimes, and never remember to re-order my juice/tanks.cartridges/whatever else. I have a few batterys right now and some EJuice, but the refill carts I have are rated at 30 refills... let's just say I'm on about refill 300! I also came on here to help with this problem. I need to find a kick-*** setup. I currently just use the "Long" batteries from V2Cigs, and have the exBlank refillable cartridges. I order my Juice from many different suppliers. I will search around before asking too many questions, but any help would be appriciated! I will try to contribute here with the knowledge I have gained thus far. There is a lot to learn, and I am near the beginning of my vaping journey! Best of luck to all reading this! GravyBoat
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