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Shadow Reaper

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Everything posted by Shadow Reaper

  1. ok i have gor vg, pg, em, and assorted flavors what do i need to buy to add nicotine to the mix to get vape juice
  2. starting my reasearch into DIY juices, but i cant seem to find nicotine juice that a lot of recipes call for, i can only find nicotine base
  3. i have not started mixing juice, i have started research into mixing juice. we all gotta start somewhere right? so if they are essentially the same thing and i get 6mg nicotine base and only use a few drops in a mix does that make my juice 6mg, like if i bought from a retailer and asked for a flavor with 6mg of nicotine?
  4. Thank you, glad to be here
  5. Hi, new to DIY juice, noob question - is nicotine juice and nicotine base the same thing?
  6. jeffb, ur the man, that did it, thank u so much guys
  7. I just got one of these and am using a vivi nova tank with a 3 ohm coil, only hitting at 3 volts and it taste very burnt, please he a newb
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