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Shadow Reaper

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About Shadow Reaper

  • Birthday 01/18/1971

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  1. yes, pretty common to upgrade to magnets and most are simple
  2. Any of you guys have a good recipe for Starwberry Mojito?
  3. Anybody have any experience with them?? i ordered butterscotch fried ice cream, strawberry cream cotton candy, and a couple of other samples. they are steeping now but was wondering if anyone else has tried them?
  4. Fuhattan (black) Madhatter (black) 2-MXJO 18650 The Rig (SS) Alien RDA (SS) 1-Sub Ohm 18650 Sigelei mini 30w Atlantis V1 Atlantis V2 was a big order lol
  5. I recently bought a ipv2, used it with the Atlantis then bought the Kanger Subtank and haven't looked back, don't hardly touch my mechs anymore
  6. My subtank works fine on my 49, my ar, and my 2 six, blows pretty good clouds, I keep it on my ipv2 though at about 18 to 20 watts, is the sweet spot for me
  7. I got a m16 clone with a rda off eBay for 29 bucks brand new
  8. so whats the final product look like?
  9. there are some recipes that call for sweetener, i use ethyl maltol in a few of mine, its usually very little though (.2 ml in an 10ml bottle), it just sweetens the taste of whatever ur mixing, less is more in my opinion
  10. those are really cool
  11. Just a update to all that helped me, wrapped a dual coil on a 1/8 drill bit, 7 to 8 wraps, gives me 7 ohms and good vapor, not clouds but good, bit the flavor is fantastic 28g wire is what I'm using
  12. Man I really appreciate all your help and putting up with me last night lol[emoji106]
  13. Got it to work with a little of everyone's advice, thanks guys, it was taking to long to heat up the coils I built a dual coil that came out at .4 and love it, but not real comfortable with sub-ohm vaping just yet so I'm gonna build one to about .8 and see how that works
  14. It's a 18650 full charge ncr, I have an ohm meter What ohm reading are u getting off ur build in that pic?
  15. I have watched so many videos, done so much research and none of it produces, I have done the duels like in the pic and it was worse
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