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Everything posted by Mainspring

  1. my Rath blueberry is running low so... I know what I'm ordering next. today, some VT grape soda in a carto. not bad...
  2. standard eGo batteries are 650 mah. I'm a extremely heavy vaporer and I get around 5-7 hours on a charge. most users say they see around 10-12 hours which, for it's size, is very impressive. eGo/Tornado aren't that big at all. it's not much bigger then a 510. just thicker. fits into the small pocket on my jeans(the one above the front right pocket on most men's jeans). It's easily carried, looks great, and works like a dream. not only does the battery have a good life to it, hit off of it is consistent through out most of it's life. performance drops off a little bit at the end, but we are talking like few hits from "flashing light drained". with added performance you get out of it with the LR atty, it's almost a perfect on the go PV. I'm very happy with my eGo. anyway, eGo/Tornado would be my pick. I voted Tornado just because I like the TW logo on the front end cap on the batt. now there are 1000 mah batteries available as well. inch or so longer then the standard batt. Looking forward to adding to my collection.
  3. www.wetyourstick.com Matt makes some very tasty liquid. his WYS4 is to die for. www.electrojuice.com haven't had a chance to order from this site yet but from what I understand it's totally custom made to order. you decide everything, they make it. have heard good things.
  4. sounds very promising. native 510 would have been great but... oh well. Burn, can you post some pics of the Buzz by itself and maybe next to 510/eGo/ect. ? Thanks.
  5. sounds like me when I first got the Dulcis. I vaped 5cc of liquid overnight... it was 16ml nic content so... 80ml of nic in my system overnight...
  6. thought I saw some of them in the shooting range the other day mermering about hunting or other...
  7. I try not to do it in public places where smoking is not allowed. I don't want to have to deal with people. no matter how well you explain yourself, people still look at you side ways... I do vape in my house, which is something I'd never thought of doing before with analogs. loved smoking but didn't want my house to smell like smoke. I nearly ruined my car from smoking in it. ash everywhere no matter how careful I was and how much I cleaned... have ash in places I can't get to with a vacuum still, and have burned a couple spots in upholstery which makes me feel angry with myself. I did try couple times vaping in the public bathroom and no one noticed. felt like James Bond or something, all sneaky like.
  8. does it taste like any particular brand of cola?
  9. stomp box? don't have it myself but have heard good things so far... http://www.cloudsofvapor.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=23&category_id=7&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1 not sure what this is but it's a 5v box mod... http://indyvaporshop.com/5-volt-box-mo5.html
  10. I think my problem is that I'm using it on 3.7v unit as you said. (granted I had one that worked really well at 3.7) should be getting the VP-PT soon so I'll try it with that and see how it goes. as of right now, strictly for convenience when traveling. I got my cartos from ENS and VT store.
  11. well, tried a 3rd carto from the pack a few days ago and it was like something in between the 1st and the 2nd one I tried. hit slightly better, not as airy like the first and slightly better TH, but not the LR like tight hits like the 2nd. I keep hearing about LR version cartos out on the market... would like to try these. perhaps one of these slipped into my pack... so far, I'm kind of meh on cartos. 2nd one kicked booty. wish all of them were like that. still got couple packs of these to go through. we'll see how they pan out. so far, other then the convenience in long trips,
  12. I already made a post praising Luke on another thread but damn mang... Luke, buddy... you the man! congrats on your newborn storm! VT Forum... we the best! <---- that should be the new logo...
  13. cool thing about Luke is his willingness to help you out with a product even if you bought the product from some other supplier. always friendly and ready to answer your questions. this type of customer service is hard to find these days. It's very refreshing. to top it all off, he has some of the best prices around in the e-cig world. truely awesome!
  14. nice. now I can use the eGo with the LR atty without worrying about charging every couple hours.
  15. how is the tiramisu by itself? I've been very curious about this flavor... thanks.
  16. yeah, this site kicks booty(or was that bootay?)! cool, friendly, most supportive e-cig site around imho. members here rox! congrats hodgehound! edit: had to correct the winner's name. for some reason I thought it was hounddog... doh!
  17. huh... I'll have to check that out. thanks! been waiting for the Janty one since in the prototype case shown, you can fit a fully assembled eGo + extra carts, juice, and maybe even the line charger... great for long trips, all in convenient stand alone case. but, for time being, the tube reader sound interesting. even has a carry clip.
  18. I hope they release it soon... as with the case. really would like to take my eGo to work rather then the 510 in a PCC.
  19. all I can say is, I sure love my "generic" aka "fake" Joyetech eGo. these copy cats sure did a nice job. looks, feels, and works exactly like the original...
  20. I always have a glass of V8 V-Fusion next to me when I vape heavy. get my serving of vegetables and fruits, all while vaping. being off analogs, I think, is making me health conscious. who would have thunk it...
  21. I choose "doesn't really matter to me" option as it really doesn't matter long as it tastes good with decent vapor production but... I do favor VG. smoother throat hit and amazing vapor production. down side... thick!. after awhile it tends to clog up the atty a bit. at which point I'll drop some PG juice for awhile and it's all good again. VG/PG mix... best of both worlds.
  22. good choice. I started out on something called a "e-healthy cigarette". It cost me $40, including extra pre-filled carts. total waste of $40. liquid in the pre-filled carts tasted like *** and vapor production was horrible... not to mention the extremely short battery life. what it did though, like you, was that it got me on the vaping trail. did some research online, and got me a 510. what a difference. I was able to quit analogs without hesitation... something I could not do with any other NRTs. anyway, recently I picked up an eGo. I have to say, it's a nice compact 3.7v unit. you are ahead of the game by grabbing the Tornado right off the bat imho. I'm sure you'll be happy with it. happy vaping.
  23. I'm vaping Dulcis mixed with Sweet Dawn... but only by accident. I got in 4 different flavors and was trying them out. I read some post here how you should reserve a carto or atty just for the Sweet Dawn as it lingers. jeeze, the poster wasn't kidding. Sweet Dawn tastes awesome. I went back to Dulcis right afterwards and now I got Dulcis/Sweet Dawn flavor VT juice... and you know what? It's freaking awesome!!! OMG! this just might be the ultimate vape of the gods.
  24. I just wait until I can place a big enough order to qualify for the free shipping and don't worry about it. but then, there are time when you are on a vendor's site and all you want to try is "that one" flavor of juice only. 10ml bottle say, $8. shipping another $6. $14 for a 10ml bottle of juice... but hey, what do you do... it is what it is. it costs vendors to ship. it ain't free for em. they got to make enough profit on the sale to make it worth while. might I suggest maybe a option for 1st class mail for small juice orders? shipped in a small padded envelope can't be too much. think people can wait a few days longer for it. maybe see a jump in sales from folks trying out just a bottle or two to see it's what they are looking for. just a thought.
  25. Thanks for the tip Dave. well, I guess in my case it was just a case of bad carto. I whipped out another one, filled it and had it sitting for sometime due to work. wouldn't you know it... it rocked! I took my 510 with me to work with the old and new carto and damn... it was like puffing on my ego with LR atty with the new carto. couldn't believe the difference... night and day. I'm wondering how my box of cartos will play out. which trend it will fall under. if rest of em works out like the new one I used last night, I'm sold... forever... never going back to regular carts... ever. starting to believe the hype. doesn't last me all day though. but then, when I get a break to vape, I vape constant the entire break. pack two of these, long as they work as it should, I'm golden.
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