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Everything posted by Mainspring

  1. bs lawsuit. if you are going to buy a mod, do your research on proper batteries!
  2. Happy birthday Chris!
  3. well, Jeff, they ARE just that sexy...
  4. beautiful mods whokrz. I'd love to see one of these done with the lavatube... I'd ****** that up so fast... more please! p.s. you are not the only one without a facebook account. I hate social media! being a very private person, don't like the idea of my business plastered all over the net... only thing that sux, can't enter lot of the contests and things. minor price to pay I guess, though wish they'd stop limiting contests like that for the rest of us. edit: why did the software censor "s n a t ch"?... oh wait, never mind...
  5. I can't wait til Zenesis is available to order. (missed out on the preorder list ) wanted a Katana but too late to the game for that one... unless I get lucky and find one up for sale used... I hope they let you order the smaller bottom half at some point so I have the option to change between standard and mini. just an insane mod.
  6. a VV mod that looks like the Precise Plus or the GG. all stainless steel body construction. (Damascus SS would be awesome!) something with a big, meaty, clicky button, lighted buttons not necessary. preferably with a digital display. don't like turn wheel. 18650, though if it could telescope to accept other batts like the GG, that would be cool. lifetime warranty. someone get cracking and make something like this!
  7. never mind my post above... (for some reason I can't edit the post anymore) freaking light turned green this morning... guess it wasn't fully charged after all earlier...
  8. I just got one of these... (Trustfire charger with IMR 18650 batt) Is it normal for the light to stay red even after hours of charging? I'm pretty sure the battery is fully charged already. Only time it turns green after charging is when I pop the second battery in. Found it kinda odd... and annoying... Thanks. Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
  9. just picked up a lava tube today from Vapure. using it with their "emerald" tank carto thingy. so far so good. seems well made, easy to use, and didn't have a problem with the button placement. guess will see how it works out after sometime. it's my first vv mod so couldn't be happier right now.
  10. Chris, that was written 2 days ago. situation has turned for the worst today. radiation levels have gone up significantly. scientists are saying there possibly have been some meltdown. water level have gone down some 6 hours exposing the rods last night or something like that. it's not looking good right now.
  11. this is just insane... my thoughts and prayers go out to people of Japan.
  12. well... I was all set to order the joker but then vaprlife changed specs on it so I held out. this unit does everything I've been looking for in AV unit... and then some. WoW! good things come to those who wait! now just waiting for some user reviews...
  13. for me it was pretty much instant. well, after I got a decent ecig/juice that is. started out with some POS I bought at the local liquor store. wasn't cutting it. barely any vapor production and terrible tasting. battery lasted all of 5 minutes. after that debuckle, did some research online and ended up getting a 510 and some good juice. after the first day, I had no urge to smoke analogs. I was a pack a day smoker of 16+ years. it was pretty amazing. found this site shortly after, which helped ALOT. lots of good folks here. learned alot in very short time here the first month.
  14. yeah, I ended up wasting juice with a new carto just this past week. filled it, rolled it, let it sit. screwed it on to the batt and... nothing but a burnt taste. defective carto! yuck.
  15. I had major sleep issues when I first started vaping. since then I cut down on the nic content. switching to low dosage nic juice has helped.
  16. dang it... looks like Vaperlife has changed it's specs to the Joker... no more battery indicator LED. figures... my luck... soon as I plan and start getting things ready to place on order... should I not be upset over this? should I not look at it as a big deal? Seemed like a pretty big feature to me. I remember it being touted as one of the major features when Joker first came out... wondering just how much the battery indicator LED cost that they had to remove it?... humm...
  17. I started out liking VG more due to more vapor production but it sometimes lack the flavor, especially if you use it in a carto and vape for a bit. first few hits are great... but after few hits the flavor starts to fade. it also has weaker throat hit compared to PG. thing that annoys me the most though is that straight VG is thick and it tends to clog the atty when direct dripping. you'd have to drip some PG in and blow it out in between. these days I tend to stick with PG for it's stronger flavor, throat hit, and no worries of clogging. vapor production is not as great but it produces enough to satisfy. really personal taste and preference though. and yes, you can mix them. some of the vendors sell mixed 80/20, 50/50, so on so forth.
  18. cool. right on. thanks.
  19. yeppers. just a money play. I do get that safety is a concern but something just doesn't feel right how it's all going down. FDA =
  20. awesome. Thanks! so the extra 2mm in length from the battery doesn't effect the fit of the unit huh? cool.
  21. doh! the "coming soon" threw me off. lol. cool. thanks for the tip on the battery. well that's no good. they should be packaging these with the 3.7 800mah... they should have atleast an option to get the stronger battery with the package... charge a few more dollars if need be. I don't think anyone would mind... digging the holster that comes with the package. I guess I could ask them if they'll sell me one with the bare Joker AV model. well, went over to battery juction and looked it up. they have the Ultrafire CR16340(CR123A) 3.6v 880mah. these are the right ones? on their site it says the batteries are 1mm longer each compared to the 3v versions. will there be a fit problem? also, would the Tenergy RCR123A 3v 900mah work? they got a 4 pack package with charger that looks good. plus I like the idea of the batts being 900mah. (don't have plans to use the joker at higher then 5 volts. Thanks.
  22. alright fine... you guys convinced me. Joker AV then... next payday, it will be mine... hopefully by then they have the DVM in stock. I knew I should not have clicked on this thread...
  23. I don't miss the stinky clothes due to smoking... don't miss the stinky car do to smoking and especially ash getting everywhere in my car no matter how careful I was... odd thing is though, I liked the smell of smoke... I couldn't smell it on me when I was smoking so I didn't mind but man... I feel bad for people that had to be around me. Mr. stinky cigy smelly man...
  24. love VG. the vapor production, smoothness of it, doesn't dry you out as much as PG, ect. but, the clogging of the atty... keep having to blow it out gets old fast. would be interested to see how the mix version comes out.
  25. maybe be on the look out for the "don" or "megalodon" or whatever it's called that's coming out from the maker of Mako?... from the pics (in mini don mode) it looks to be about the size of the eGo... perhaps slightly shorter and tad fatter. seems like a good option since you can expand it to use higher voltage if you wanted. plus the button locks for travel. pics and also a vid on the second page: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/topic/5943-megalodon-news/ hitting next month it seems... if you can't wait, I'd say just get another eGo batt and not worry about it. unit is pretty much perfect. sorry to hear you batt died on you though... (reason why it's always good to have back up)
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