okay so i am using an evod vv with a kanger mini protank 2, and after a while i started to get that burnt taste so i took apart the coil and was doing dry burns. while i was doing this my battery started blinking and shut off (as it would when it runs out of power and needs to be charged) so i figured yeah i just need to charge it. well, after charging it for about an hour i screwed it back on and came to realize it was still blinking when i went to press the button and try to vape with it, i took the battery off and realized that the battery only blinked like that when it was connected. when the battery is disconnected and just by itself i can press in the button it lights up and stays lit while i hold it in as if it would if i was taking a drag with it connected. and i figured thats weird, and i also tried holding the button down as i screwed the battery in and it stayed solidly lit until it got screwed on all the way it would start blinking and not work. now the question is what did i do to my battery and can i fix it? my guess is that i just happened to mess it up and overheat it somehow while i was dry burning to clean my coil or something like that, because it did start to get very hot. is my battery pretty much trashed now or do i have to wait more or is there something i can do? has anyone else had this problem?