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Everything posted by Sanctus

  1. I want to get into mechs. I will eventually be buying a blackhawk Panzer with a kayfun, but I'd like a really good clone to get used to first. Is there a panzer clone? Is it good? Price? Please recommend good quality clones for me to try and prices for them if you know them. open to all suggestions. Firebrand necessarily have to be a Panzer clone but I'd like it to be a clone of a high end mech.
  2. Max amps on the SID is 4. 15 is highest wattage. I'm a noob so I'm not sure if this is the information you guys need
  3. Update on the sid. Still working great. Took it to 15 Watts today. Amazing. Really good product. Next purchase will be a blackhawk Panzer.
  4. Hyper Tank. Oops. Sorry. It's a bcc.
  5. Been using my Smoktech SID for a few days and I love it. Tonight on my vivi nova(2.4ohm) I set it at ten watts. Great for about... 45 minutes? I think? Anyway. It now says voltage is too low. It's currently 3.4 My question is, did ten watts drain my battery that fast or do you think my battery was close to that level anyways? I'm using an imr high drain 2000 mah.
  6. I like the size of the sid. Fits perfectly in my back pocket.
  7. Novocaine anyone? My favorite, followed very closely by pirates cave and code 69.
  8. Man. My wishlist is soooooooooooo long now haha. The learning curve for mods and juice isn't as steep as I thought it would be. This is fun.
  9. Thank you so much. I'm having so much fun with this haha.
  10. Very poor selection of juices imo. They don't have the nic strength I want either. Are all of those juices on the vt store? only two show up on my phone.
  11. Thanks! I've been told It's like a combination of the zmax and the vamo.
  12. HI GUYS. Sanctus here. So I've been vaping for... 28 days. Yup. 28 days ago was my last cigarette. Also the day I got my pv. So I'm still a noob and an extreme noob when it comes to juices so I'd like some help. If you could, could you please tell me the best sites for purchasing, including shipping times, bottle size, and price? I really like fruit flavors. Namely apple, watermelon, dragonfruit, strawberry, and coconut. If It's coconut it needs to be paired with another flavor. Like strawberry. Nomnomnomnom. For tobacco, I LOVE Master Blend from professor marvel? Yeah. I think It's professor marvel. Edit- I'd really prefer it if the juices came pre -steeped. I feel like I'd go insane with a delicious juice in my juice drawer and not be able to use it for a while.
  13. So the actual technology is still good? Like the performance, etc?
  14. Can I ask a noob question? other than not having a high voltage, how is the provari dated?
  15. Thanks. Forgot to add something. During the review I was using the Trophy tank. I'm having some difficulty dialing the nova in. On certain voltages it taste great but without massive Vapor clouds while on other settings it taste a little like chemically metal weirdness with massive amounts of vapor.
  16. I had been having some issues with my evod on an inno battery and I was going to the shop today to get it looked at. I'm an overzealous noob that doesn't really know what he's doing yet so I probably shouldn't have tried to recoil it haha. While I was there I figured I might as well go ahead and upgrade to my first apv. I looked at many, tried the itaste, the zmax, and the provari that people talk about so much. I will eventually get a provari but I didn't want to get in over my head. I walked out with a SID. LOOOOOOOVE it so far. It's perfect for someone like me who is still new to vaping. It's good enough to be respected by the vaping community but simple enough to be fun and easy to use. I bought a vivi Nova and a trophy tank which to my understanding is a clone of the protank. My battery is a 2000mah IMR High drain which once again to my understanding is the best battery to have. I love this thing guys. I'm so happy with it. It's sturdy. It's not as heavy as the zmax but it isn't light at all. I feel like I good use it as a tomahawk haha. I've messed with the voltage and wattage and I think I've found my sweet spot for now. I got it from Nashville Vapor. Staff there is amazing plus one of my friends works there. I'm all for supporting local business and that store is definitely worthy of my support. It's a bit of a drive for me as It's on a different side of Nashville for me but with the quality of service and the variety of products it is most certainly worth it. So, here's my very short term review. I've had this thing about three hours now. Vapor production- fantastic. Tons of it. Flavor - the trophy tank tastes better right now, probably because I need to alter the settings for the nova? yes? No? haha. I'm still stupid as far as things like this go. Durability - I doubt this will be an issue for me. I never dropped my last pv and I've never even dropped my phone haha. It feels sturdy, nothing is wiggling, etc. Looks- exactly what I want. Mine is silver. It's a very simple design, but not dull. It's very nice. It's dull silver finish so it isn't overly bright when light is on it. Menu- so simple to use. The screen is clear enough to see anywhere, but it isn't annoyingly bright. Very simple to go through the menu and change things. Much easier to use than I thought it would be. Overall - if you're looking for your first apv, take a look at the sid. I'm enjoying it so far. Also, if you live in the middle Tennessee area, please go check out Nashville Vapor. Wonderul employees, very cool looking store, has a lounge, etc. This probably isn't a very detailed review since I'm still a noob but I think it might still help some other noobs out.
  17. I was going to get an upgrade soon anyways and since I was going out to the shop today I went ahead and got my first apv.) I love it. I got a SID with a 2000mah IMR High Drain Battery. I got a Trophy Tank clone and a Vivi Nova to go with it. LOVE both of the tanks. Obviously the Nova is a bit different than the bcc but I love the way it looks. I'm honestly surprised with how good the trophy tank is. It's amazing tbh.
  18. I wanted to do it myself. I have a pack sitting here with me but I want to know where I messed up. I made the coil and the wick.
  19. the head says 2.2. I can get it to fire now, but I can't get a good drag. It feels like there is a lot of resistance.
  20. and now it keeps flooding.... and now it doesn't work period. Battery light comes on, itll turn on and off properly. but nothing happens. :/ This is frustrating. Maybe I need to just go back to analogs.
  21. annnnd now I'm not getting flavor either I did take one of the two flavor wicks out btw.
  22. Rewicked my evod with cotton. During the process, my noob self pulled the coil out and undid it. A piece of it broke off, so when I recoiled(looks quite good btw), it had 4 wraps instead of five. It has a small cotton wick, just to make sure I didn't make it too big I used way less than I thought I should. So here's the problem. Flavor is there, but getting almost no vapor. I've done all the standard troubleshooting stuff. HELP!!!!
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