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Everything posted by Sanctus

  1. Oh. The company I work for is called Gaylord. Lol
  2. Haha. I work for gaylord. I didn't order it yesterday. I received it yesterday and ordered it a week a ago.
  3. Tell me something. If you paid for something, would you be OK if it was done in the same way as a service that cost HALF of what you paid?
  4. Lol. So it's OK for me to pay extra for a service and then not receive the service. No.it isn't. It never has been and it never will be. I never received notification of a delay, and I never even received a tracking number until it was already in my city. That's the problem. Not only did I not receive a service I paid for I was never notified of any delay.
  5. The point is I paid for something to happen and it didn't happen. So it's OK for me to pay for a service and then not receive it? No. It isn't.
  6. No, I am not a receptionist. Apparently you don't know the jobs that fall under hospitality. 12 hour days? Try 16. Or 18.
  7. Just got my juices and man am I happy. I'll be posting a review in the liquid forum. You guys should go check it out.
  8. Sometimes. It's pretty easy to do things properly in my job. When I do fail, I do get in trouble for it.
  9. You didn't upset me. Neither did waylon. I have an in your face personality. With the way I grew up and the job I have, if I am not near perfect I fail. That's all. I unintentionally except the standards that have been ingrained in me in everyone else.
  10. Then you don't have the standards I have.
  11. So you're saying It's OK for me to pay to have something done within a time frame and not have it done within said time frame?
  12. If I pay for something I expect it to be fulfilled.
  13. So what you're telling me is usps is a slow, dismal company. Unacceptable.
  14. Then there wasn't a point in me paying extra for faster shipping if It's going to take the same amount of time as the slower shipping. It's not being lazy. I shouldn't NEED to email them. I'm in the hospitality industry. If a customer had to ask me why something wasn't done on time, I get written up. I expect the same things from other people that are expected of me. I paid for faster shipping and I'm receiving it at the same time as the slower shipping.
  15. My trustfire tr001 only takes three hours to charge my 18650 imr.
  16. I'm talking about your order. As in, of course it takes it a while to come. It's on the other side of the planet. I paid for 1-3day. It didn't.
  17. 12-7? Wow. My local store is open 7-7.
  18. Duh. It came from China. I PAID to have this delivered on time. it wasn't. I don't know about you guys, but in my business, anything less than perfect means you lose your job.
  19. That point is moot since I said it DID ship within 24 hours.
  20. Simple mistake. The tracking number wasn't attached to the order confirmation sheet. They checked it for me and they confirmed it will be delivered tomorrow obviously because mail doesn't run on Sunday. I'm very pleased. You can tell how good a company is by how they react when something goes wrong and this company has fixed it very well.
  21. Update. They just replied. They made it right. Very nice and professional response too.
  22. Yes. They didn't reply. They advertise that they ship all orders within 24hours of placement. Which it did. So where is it? No tracking number, No reply, No nothing.
  23. Not ordering from them again. Paid for 1-3 day shipping. Today is the 5th day. Still haven't received a tracking number either.
  24. Ok cool. Thanks man. I think I can make it chuck some Vapor at 1.2
  25. I've been looking at the Nemesis clone by hcigar. Seems like a lot of people think It's pretty much the same as the real Nemesis.
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