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  1. Oh. The company I work for is called Gaylord. Lol
  2. Haha. I work for gaylord. I didn't order it yesterday. I received it yesterday and ordered it a week a ago.
  3. Tell me something. If you paid for something, would you be OK if it was done in the same way as a service that cost HALF of what you paid?
  4. Lol. So it's OK for me to pay extra for a service and then not receive the service. No.it isn't. It never has been and it never will be. I never received notification of a delay, and I never even received a tracking number until it was already in my city. That's the problem. Not only did I not receive a service I paid for I was never notified of any delay.
  5. The point is I paid for something to happen and it didn't happen. So it's OK for me to pay for a service and then not receive it? No. It isn't.
  6. No, I am not a receptionist. Apparently you don't know the jobs that fall under hospitality. 12 hour days? Try 16. Or 18.
  7. Just got my juices and man am I happy. I'll be posting a review in the liquid forum. You guys should go check it out.
  8. Sometimes. It's pretty easy to do things properly in my job. When I do fail, I do get in trouble for it.
  9. You didn't upset me. Neither did waylon. I have an in your face personality. With the way I grew up and the job I have, if I am not near perfect I fail. That's all. I unintentionally except the standards that have been ingrained in me in everyone else.
  10. Then you don't have the standards I have.
  11. So you're saying It's OK for me to pay to have something done within a time frame and not have it done within said time frame?
  12. If I pay for something I expect it to be fulfilled.
  13. So what you're telling me is usps is a slow, dismal company. Unacceptable.
  14. Then there wasn't a point in me paying extra for faster shipping if It's going to take the same amount of time as the slower shipping. It's not being lazy. I shouldn't NEED to email them. I'm in the hospitality industry. If a customer had to ask me why something wasn't done on time, I get written up. I expect the same things from other people that are expected of me. I paid for faster shipping and I'm receiving it at the same time as the slower shipping.
  15. My trustfire tr001 only takes three hours to charge my 18650 imr.
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