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About qwikrex

  • Birthday 05/04/1984

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  • Interests
    Cars, Bikes, Guns, and Vaping of course.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've recently been partial to Adam Bomb's flavors. Namely Adam's apple and Mama's Cookies. Great all day vapes.
  2. Vaping spread through my social circle fairly quickly. A good amount of my friends have since switched off analogs.
  3. I find the heat and density of vapor on subohm builds to be the most enjoyable part of it all. The clouds to me are just a nice side effect lol.
  4. On protanks I tend to stick to heads above 2 ohm.
  5. I've found that a pt3 running pt2 coils didnt run very well, to me at least. The PT3 had better vapor production and flavor with the dual coil heads.
  6. Thanks man.
  7. The vaporshark dna20 is pretty slim and compact.
  8. Cool looking mod. Nice work!
  9. Nice looking build
  10. If you prefer a warmer, denser vape, then rebuildables (drippers and tank) are a good choice.
  11. I have a Kebo The Russian 91% as well as an Hcigar kayfun 3.1 clone. Performance on both is great. Running The russian at .7 ohm on a nemesis clone and it hits real nice. Going to do a sub ohm build on the hcigar soon.
  12. I don't notice it often on my aspire, but it has happened on occasion on a fresh head. Goes away after a while
  13. I'm running mnke 18650's in my sub ohm build. Might try out the sonys with the higher amp draw rating.
  14. Hi guys, just introducing myself. Was a smoker for 12 years, but started vaping to quit. I was able to quit analogs, but now vaping has become a very expensive hobby for me lol.
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