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About Kajayacht

  • Birthday 09/07/1989

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  • Interests
    Climbing Trees
    Running at Night
    Bits of string

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I once bought a kit online. I actually got an extra battery from what I ordered and was super excited. I left the battery charging at my desk while I went and got some coffee, came back and started smelling a weird burning smell. Turns out, there was a bit of what looked like solder connecting the battery terminal and the threading (causing a short). The charger was around 15% melted and I'm sure if I was gone longer things would've gotten bad. Now I'm always paranoid about leaving batteries around charging (still do it though). My advice, never leave a new battery charging unattended. Once you have more time to learn about the battery and the charger's quality, you're good to leave them.
  2. While I'm at work: Long draw, let up the button, fast draw, inhale, hold, exhale Driving: Long draw, hold, exhale At home: Long draw, exhale, suck out the remaining vapor, blow.
  3. Amen to that. Just about anyone who vapes either used to smoke or would've probably started smoking anyway. If what we want is an overall increase in health in the population, ecigs should have no opposition whatsoever.
  4. I used to mix flavors that were gross to make a not-so-gross flavor; ex Mountain Dew and Banana Typically because I'm lazy and don't like cleaning/changing my atomizers I try to make the transition between juices not as bad; Tobacco to Menthol to Minty to Fruity (hehe, fruity flavor ).
  5. If it means they'll stop showing those horrible Truth commercials on TV, the sooner the better.
  6. I used to have the same tank (different brand though), it is next to impossible to clean. I put some really old liquid in it and it left a really nasty coat on the tank that I couldn't clean out due to fact that it can't really be taken apart. While it lasts though, it's a decent tank and did introduce me to tanks/clearomizers. Lately I've been using Kangertech brand tanks, specifficaly the Mini Protank II and the Evod. They're pretty good and completely user-replaceable. They'll work with the style battery from that set also.
  7. Every Cuban Cigar liquid I've ever tried has always tasted like rubbing alcohol. Maybe that's just how they're supposed to taste?
  8. I got an eRoll awhile back and I like it a lot. For me, it's perfect for when I'm working since I can hold the thing in my mouth and have both hands free for typing (like a real cigarette only no ashing ), but the charging case can be a pain. To fit in the PCC, the eRoll has to be fully assembled; battery, atomizer, cone, and tank. The eRoll kit comes with 2 of everything, except a second cone. Anyways, the 5100CC battery seems to be the same as an eRoll's, so I should be able to use that right? I'm curious how the battery stays in the charger though since there's no threading, possibly magnets maybe (how do magnets even work?) http://www.joyetech.com/product/510CC.php
  9. Dura-Liquid Strawberry Bannana. Tastes like a mix between cough syrup and ammonia. Whenever I've tried it, it actually makes me feel like I'm getting a snius infection in the back of my throat and nose.
  10. Lately I've been using a 1000mAh Joyetech Ego Twist with a KangerTech Mini Protank-II. I love it, but it's quite large and I'm finding myself in more situations that I'd really like something as small and quiet as possible (moving us into shared offices at work, booo!). Any suggestions? I have a Joyetech Eroll, but that doesn't deliever enough umph as I'm wanting and sometimes can be pretty loud. I saw on another forum about the SD Keyring which looks promising, does anyone have any experience with one of these? http://www.electronicstix.com/products/the-sd-maxi-keyring-650-mah-by-trog-510-threaded
  11. Post them here
  12. Got a Kangertech Mini Protank II today along with some e-liquids Tobacco, Virginia Tobacco, Cuban Cigar, Butternut Rum. All 18mg/ml 100% PG
  13. The great thing about the 510 is that so many things are compatible with it. I recommend getting a tank for your 510 rather than using those cotton cartridge stuff, I agree they suck. So if you want to keep it simple and stick with stuff from Joyetech, order the 510 T atomizer and the 510 T cartridges and try that out. http://us.joyetech.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=148_174&product_id=138 http://us.joyetech.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=148_174&product_id=139
  14. Saw this article this morning about e-cig evangelists, pretty lame article http://www.theverge.com/2014/2/25/5445662/vape-life-welcome-to-the-weird-world-of-e-cig-evangelists But, the guy from the article who's a DJ apparently recorded a mix for vaping to. https://soundcloud.com/rhizomedotorg-1/sets/vape-cru-final Is this what we're coming to guys? This is more ridiculous than when Macho Man Randy savage thought he could beat Hulk Hogan for the heavy weight title!
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