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Everything posted by WyndRyder

  1. Thanks for your answers so far. While I understand that all juices will eventually darken, and even then some more quickly than others, is it reasonable to darken within a day with a fresh coil? I only see this problem with NET Organic. While not a super great tobacco juice (acceptable as a backup in a pinch), I never saw this problem with Liqua American or Traditional tobaccos and so far, knock on wood, not with Tasty Vapor tobacco. I'm guessing that Liqua is fairly artificial and Tasty Vapor is cold extracted which I think helps to make the color change a slow one. I keep experimenting and I am still waiting for NET to send me a response as well. What I have discovered so far: High ohms (2.2 instead of 1.8 or 1.5) seems to slow things down. Smaller tanks (Mini KT2 and Mini BCC iSmoka instead of KT3 or BCC iSmoka) seems to slow things down as you keep re-filling. Cold extract instead of heat extracted seems to take longer. I mixed the Tasty Vapor (cold) with NET (heat) and that slowed things down. I will play with it more, but higher PG (80 instead of 70 or 60) seems to slow tings down. Still to try: Top coil instead of bottom coil. I've never tried a top coil and am hesitant to do so as it makes no sense. But does having the coil on top make a difference? Does it slow things down or even eliminate the problem? I may go and buy one and see for myself. Other bottom coils? With KT and iSmoka, seems like I already have the 2 best ones. Are there any out there that may be better? I'm starting to feel like the answer is ultimately in the coil technology - at least more so than battery technology. What if someone invented some kind of layer above or below the coil that would cool the coil down? Not sure how this could be done, but cooling the cool after a vape would at least eliminate a constant heat going to the coil and causing the problem. Rob->
  2. You only repeated what I already said - the KT2 coil will fit in KT3. The question was "is there any downside to doing this"?.
  3. I'm curious if anyone has tried Pro Tank 2/Mini Pro Tank 2 coils in Pro Tank 3's? At present it appears that Kangertech only makes a 2.0ohm coil for the PT3 and out of curiosity I tried a 1.8ohm PT2 coil and it works. Since the vapor tube in the PT3 is smaller, seems like you get less throat and more vape - but that is not necessarily a bad thing. For any of you who have tried this, is there any downside over time to do so? Rob->
  4. I have found a huge difference in tobacco flavors. I currently use Tasty Vapors (locally here in my area in Oakland) and NET whose tobacco juices are great. An observation and a bit of a puzzle: why do tobacco flavors start to turn brown and eventually even black-ish? Tasty Vapors are made, so they tell me, by soaking. This implies "cold" extraction. So, far, this one turns the least brown and never blackish. NET, whose Big Spirit, Organic Spirit and NS Dark I absolutely love, turn brown and eventually blackish. As it progresses, it looses taste and increases harshness. I have tried everything from new atomziers to smaller tanks --- theory is you finish quickly, re-fill and don't give it a chance to change --- but now you can't use a bigger tank, i.e. Pro Tank 3. NET lets you choose cold or heat extraction. The ones I have are heat extraction. Is there a difference between cold or heat extract flavors? Seems to me that the heat extraction has the best taste. Rob->
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