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  1. little about me. I'm 23 from wisconsin, been smoking cigarettes since i was 16. i had a friend who got the blu starter kit few years back. so i went to walgreens and and picked me up a kit for like $70 few years back. kinda liked it since i knew nothing about vaping then. they got expensive and i went back to cigarettes. buying blu cartridges every now and then. 2 weeks ago i picked up a ego-t it lasted 2 days before a wire broke free and it stopped charging/firing. then (moved up) i guess you could say to 2 evod vv.'s. got pro tank mini and regular pro tank. a i clear 30. and clear 16. i have not bought a pack of cigarettes in 2 weeks now. cold turkey other than vaping. pretty excited about that since its cheaper, no smell and can do it anywhere. and its kinda a hobby and fun all in its own. gonna try to make my first batch of juice this wee since locally all I've had is bad luck with expensive e juice. wish me luck! cheers. Looking to buy my first MOD here soon. and continue vaping!
  2. thanks, will be here monday. ill have to run to walmart and get some vg just to make up for the percentage (8mg nicotine) and have to fine tune it myself. hope i get a good batch within the supplies i ordered! ill post results
  3. anyone buy flavors from here? i have a few flavors coming in the mail (french vanilla and hawaiian punch) was wondering if anyone has make their own juice with these and what % of the flavor you were using for a good flavor. this is my first time making my own juice and it would be nice to get a ballpark percentage to use in my mixing to reduce wasting too much of my other liquids before i dial it in. thank you very much for any info! Nolan
  4. ya im kinda glad i got a extra evod vv for when my ego dies. its nice to always have a charged one since neither are pass threw. i think ill probably grab a genuine pro tank. or a i clear. then get a handful of cheap tanks as well. i have only had a few leak issues with the knock off but after just cleaning it with a paper towel it works just fine again. thanks for the info guys! hoping to get my first mod with a 18650 here soon to check out that scene. thanks again! one of the more polite and professional forums I've dealt with so far.
  5. ok so i just got my first real tape device. (had the blu cig kit for 2 years, but didn't really consider than all that great) i stopped at my somewhat local smoke shop. they sold me a ego-t for $26 and a "pro tank" for $7.50 the pro tank is obviously a knock off it says nothing on it. soon as i bought it i put the tank on my ego and the coil never fired. luckily i got 2 extra coils while i was there. switched it and its been working perfect for a week now. my question is. i have the knock off tank. its my first tank so i really can't compare it to a real genuine tank. would it be worth it to pick up a pro tank 2? or a different tank maybe a dual coil? i guess you could say i "upgraded" and also picked up a evod VV which i am more happy with than the ego-t. but i haven't picked up a pack of cigarettes in a week now so i will be vaping allot. i guess i was just wondering if its truly worth the money to get a nice tank and nice battery/mod sooner than later. i also got 2 bottles of really cheap e liquid $2.50 each when i got my first things. vaped good. until i picked up some e juice that was $7.50 a bottle and really noticed how much more satisfying the taste and vapor was. won't be buying anymore cheap juice thats for sure haha
  6. evod VV with pro tank knock off since I'm new to this. with a strawberry/mellon mix juice. works well. for being very cheap equipment
  7. just to clear any confusion. i tried to charge a small blu cig battery on my ego charger. didn't realize the ego chargers put out more power than the original blu since blu are so small. thats why the charger burned up instantly. but my ego is still working perfect and got new charger.
  8. it was the charger witch i figured. got a new one today and also picked up a evod vv. like it way better than the ego-T. ego is now a back up! thanks for the info guys. i will not be charging a blu cig anymore since they are probably going into the trash haha
  9. blu came with a usb charger for the batteries alone kinda like a ego charger. but i lost that long time ago. so i have to charge the blu case. and charge the batteries in that. its a hassle but works for now.
  10. ya im guessing not. glad it didn't burn up anything on my macbook. I've been running the blu battery on my pro tank since they are 510 thread. working well but obviously battery life is only a hang full of good hits. but gotta do what gotta do till i get a new charger or wait till my taste v3.0 arrives
  11. ok well I've had the garbage blu e cig original kit for like 2 years. only used it now and then as the refills are not cheap and don't last or taste good at all. that being said i went out and picked up a Ego-T with a pro tank. the tank is a knock off. it was $7 but works well. the ego-t might be a knock off I'm not sure but it says ego-T that was around $27. anyway. i was going to charge one of my blu batteries with the ego-t charger on my macbook. as soon as i screwed the battery onto the charger i heard 2 popping noises and smelled like the charger burned up. unplugged it immediately. my computer warned me that it was trying to draw to much power blah blah. but now when i plug my ego-t into the charger no matter what its plugged into (computer, wall, car) the charger light stays red, and the ego light stays red. had it "charging" for almost 24 hours on and off and every time i go to use the ego it only lasts a few puffs then it dies. has this happened to anyone else? pretty sure my charger burned up. not a huge deal since they are like $1.50 but i gotta drive 30 min each way to get one. I've only had the ego-t for 2 days. thanks for any info!
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