ok well I've had the garbage blu e cig original kit for like 2 years. only used it now and then as the refills are not cheap and don't last or taste good at all. that being said i went out and picked up a Ego-T with a pro tank. the tank is a knock off. it was $7 but works well. the ego-t might be a knock off I'm not sure but it says ego-T that was around $27. anyway. i was going to charge one of my blu batteries with the ego-t charger on my macbook. as soon as i screwed the battery onto the charger i heard 2 popping noises and smelled like the charger burned up. unplugged it immediately. my computer warned me that it was trying to draw to much power blah blah.
but now when i plug my ego-t into the charger no matter what its plugged into (computer, wall, car) the charger light stays red, and the ego light stays red. had it "charging" for almost 24 hours on and off and every time i go to use the ego it only lasts a few puffs then it dies. has this happened to anyone else? pretty sure my charger burned up. not a huge deal since they are like $1.50 but i gotta drive 30 min each way to get one. I've only had the ego-t for 2 days. thanks for any info!