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About gwc1010

  • Birthday 10/10/1974

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  1. The Lil Mama tanks I believe are $40 +, then got to add cartos since Ive been vaping on Vivi Novas I don't have any. The Kir Fannis Prive is upwards of $60 I believe. Neither of these are something I need, just something I want
  2. I found 24 to be the sweet spot for me. Keeps those cravings away but I do chain vape. Hang in there
  3. Great vid. My guess is they don't want people aware of ecigs because it would cost them money. When it does eventually happen they find a way to regulate and tax it
  4. I'm thinking $100. Its a satin silver, got it Jan 2013. If you're looking for one I can include two of the larger batteries that wont work with the mini
  5. Thanks Bebop
  6. lol I would but money is tighter than usual right now and with some of these tanks costing $50 plus, I can let the old one go
  7. Thanks Proetus. As soon as I can unload my Provari I think I'll order a few Lil mama tanks. I appreciate your input
  8. Arctic Wolf from Vaporgod has become one of my favorites. I found this one was strong enough to help me make the switch from analogs. It is incredibly strong but I needed that at first. Now I just use a few drops in some of my other flavors
  9. Just got Black Provari mini with blue led. Now looking to unload my old Provari so I can invest in a few new tanks
  10. I've been vaping VN since I moved from atomizers to tanks. I've tried a few other like the pro tank and the AMP Tank, didn't like either one, both leaked and gurgled a lot. That being said I do need more than what I'm getting out of the vivi nova's I'm considering either the Kir Fannis Prive tank (if I can find one) or the Lil Mama tanks. If anyone has some input on either of these or both I'd appreciate it. Thanks
  11. New member but not new to vaping. Currently vape Provari with vivi nova Have been vaping for about 3 years. I guess to some that would still qualify as new still a lot to learn
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