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Everything posted by JustCody

  1. Ok I am new to this whole ecig world I used to know some about them a long time ago when I had a ego. now for christmas I ordered my first mod the EVIC and I am really happy with the unit but I got the Iclear 30 with it and that is something I am not happy with it leaks and clogs very easily, and very little vapor and it just has a cheap feel to it. I have ordered a Ismoka BCC mega to see if i like bottom coil clearos better. But I want to get a heating unit that produces a ton of vapor, top notch quality, doesn't clog or leak. What would you suggest I don't really have a price limit just tell me what is the best heating unit for my needs. I want a tank but definitely not a carto tank and I am still unsure about a dripper.
  2. I am pretty new to the whole vaping world I got hooked on cigarettes when I was 16 I am 18 now and use my first mod evic with a iclear 30 with a 1.8 ohm coil I am not happy with this tank any suggestions? I want lots of vapor and no leaking and clogging like this crap haha. Oh also I use VA tobacco blend from madvape not satisfied with that so I just ordered some red riding hood from vaperite I am pumped for when it arrives!!!
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