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Everything posted by NahkriinKrosis

  1. Vamo is made by SmokTek I'm nearly 100% positive.
  2. Fasttech has the Vamo V5 for 28 bucks and some change here. https://www.fasttech.com/p/1509700 Note that this is only the shell, no batteries or tanks so you'd have to buy that separately. I got two 18650 2500 mAh and a charger for 13 bucks shipped on amazon.
  3. So I see everyone is using ProTanks and many swear by them. I have a KPT 3 and IMO it's the biggest piece of **** I own. I have been able to get about 2 toots on it before it gurgles and fills my battery with juice. Clean it, rebuild, snug everything down, refill, 2 toots, gurgle. What am I doing wrong? I've even tried it with a mini protank 2 coil and eVod coils which all fit together and I have researched on the compatibility of said coils. Also have tried a variety of juices, with no luck. I really love my boge carto tanks so right now that's all I'm using and I'm using one mini protank 2. I've never had any issues with my mini or my eVod clearos. Maybe I'm just not meant for a ProTank? Maybe I should revert to a PT 2 and will have more luck as opposed to my 3? Where have I gone wrong!?
  4. Always check the reviews!
  5. Just checked the order tracker and it is in Cali as of yesterday! Just in time:)
  6. Thanks guys it's awesome being a part of the vaping community. I have converted 3 friends and 1 stranger from analogs! Whoop!
  7. In the same boat as Tw1sted. Ordered my Vamo V5 and an assortment of other parts and tanks on January 2 or 3. Order says it shipped on the 9th so should I expect it soon or assume it will be after the Chinese New Year? Thanks, NK
  8. I bought an Atmos Optimus on Groupon for 40 bucks just on whim and it has absolutely changed my life. I'm 22 and started smoking analog at 14, but the past 4 years has been off and on between 2 packs a day and 1 pack a day. My lungs have had the most improvement since the switch to vaping, and my car is even starting to smell better . Anyways, I had a few cheap clearomizers and used them to death, and after doing some research I bought a Vamo V5 and a Vivi Nova tank (currently en route to the crib). Also ordered a Kanger ProTank 3, and I'm actually having a slew of issues with leakage and gurgling if anyone can point me to a thread it would be much appreciated. Loving the Kanger Mini ProTank 2, Evod tanks aren't half bad, and the Boge Cartomizers have yet to do me wrong. I recently bought an eGo twist style battery to cope with the godawful wait for Fasttech's shipping . If you seasoned vapers have any tips or threads to point me in the right direction to vaping heaven, I'm all ears.
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