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Everything posted by NahkriinKrosis

  1. Put the mini protank bottom on the pt3 and it's working very well. Thanks for all the information guys I've enjoyed fixing this crap:D
  2. I ran a qtip through before rebuilding. But I solved my problem. sorry for the awful pics I cracked the back and front of my iPhone:( but directly dripping with the pt3 base and coil works awesome with my homemade drip tip:)
  3. Just another update, the PT3 has reverted to its old ways and is a gurgley piece of you know what. Grrrr
  4. I put in a 50/50 mix of vanilla coke and it's tooting away like a locomotive. Happy camper I am!
  5. Just an update, I just got the PT3 to work! I pulled the pin down and filled it up and presto it's working like new. Well better than new considering it has never worked.
  6. I went to the bathroom yesterday after watching tv for a few hours and when I opened my door I was greeted by this roomful or fruity vapor. I definitely chase some clouds:)
  7. I vape 0% when I'm not driving. And sometimes even when I am. But I keep a few 18 mg clearos with me at all times in case I need some nicotine.
  8. I feel ya there! Told my girlfriend the exact same thing when she asked me why I puff it so much. Got her a Vision Spinner and she doesn't put it down either:)
  9. Try holding the left button for about 30 seconds and see if it changes from output mean to output rms? That should make the voltage more precise.
  10. I'm a dog groomer! But I work for a corporation and electronic cigarettes are against policy inside:( but, I have gotten one of the trainers (long time smoker) to switch to vaping and he's already moved up to an eVic lol! And this was literally like four days ago! He has dropped his cigs after day one!
  11. Using 50/50 no nicotine and I blow fat O's all day in my car. It lingers more if you don't inhale. And it has to be a still environment for sure:)
  12. Thank you for the info! Sticking with rms:)
  13. Awesome spydre thank you
  14. Read some info here when I googled it. http://www.diytrade.com/china/pd/11065706/Vamo_VV_Mod_eGo_Variable_volt_watt_APV.html
  15. What is the difference? I held the minus on my Vamo V5 for about 15 seconds and it will switch between these two settings?
  16. I just feel like the product shouldn't be difficult to use. Maybe we both just got defective models? But I'm definitely going to try the two and maybe one more three before I knock them from my collection.
  17. Got my stuff in today! So happy right now.
  18. Wizard I did tighten the ever living **** out of it. When you say over tighten did you skip threads or..?
  19. Here's a thread for Fasttech. Most likely some of the thousands of products are going to be garbage, but you may also find some treasures too:) after all what fun is life without a little risk. I've bought from American vendors online and received **** for double the price. Again, the risk of simply purchasing product online. In the end it's up to you.
  20. I have switched the coils, even tried eVod coils, ran a smaller sterile qtip through the tube and used a dry coil, used the same method you described bebop, and nothing works. Maybe I just got a defective tank. Ordered it from vividsmoke.
  21. mcquinn you're a god damn genius. Thank ya buddy that's probably the most sense anyone has ever made. Ever. Hitting the local store Thursday for a few more Boges. Also guys I've ordered a vivi nova so do y'all think that it will compete with the boge at all?
  22. I'm attempting this method as we speak. I hope this cherry cola flavor will leave the cart. Fingers crossed. Also hope the ISO won't kill me mcquinn.
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