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About Scooter

  • Birthday 06/03/1951

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I wish I had seen that earlier. I just picked up a vv evod battery and my local b&m today.
  2. It's news to me that anyone actually reads the huffing and puffington post.
  3. New Year's Day I had about 8 cigs and some Njoy kings. I went back and forth that first morning till I finished off the last of the smokes. Been just vapin since. No problems so far. I had smoked for over 40 years.
  4. Just wanted to say hello. My name is Scott and I've been smoking cigs for about 45 years. Well last week I said enough is enough. Picked me up a five pack of Njoy kings. The biggest reason I got the Njoys was I had heard about them on the radio and figured they would get me by till I figured out this vaping thing. They are okay but as I am sure you guys know they cost way too much. I had also heard a bit about the White Clouds and ordered a five packof those last weekend. Not overly impressed with those. I'm a trucker by trade so I am limited to time on the weekends to do a lot of research. But this morning I found this place and a few hours ago decided to give the Kanger evod a try. Got the starter kit and juice on the way. So far after 11 days without a cig it doesn't really seem to be bothering me. Anyways this place looks like a great place to learn the ends and outs of vapin. So here I am.
  5. For some reason I can't get it to copy over into my sig.
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