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Everything posted by JoyfullyVaping

  1. Been vaping for three weeks and LOVE it. I am from Alabama(Roll Tide). I am so grateful for this forum and the people who help us newbies!
  2. I have a few different ones. What pgvg do u recommend for the protank?
  3. I am from Bham but have ordered my things from the net. If u find a good one, let me know. Good luck!
  4. Hey guys and gals. I am new to vaping. I just had a few questions. I am using the evod 650mah battery and the mini protank 2. I have the standard atty that came with my protank. The tank is 2 days old and having a burnt taste every couple hits. I have tried taking one of the wicks out, loosening the tank a little, flipping the rubber garment upside down and even putting a brand new atty on. I still get that burnt taste. I have ordered the ego twist battery in hopes that being able to change the voltage will help. Does anyone have any tips or answers for why this is happening and what to do about it. I am getting kind of frustrated and dont want to screw my 3 week without a cigarette run up. Thank u so much
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