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Everything posted by AdrianS

  1. I'm getting used to this forum now, it's actually really fun. Getting some great advice from people. So one other thing I wanted to try grasp from people (being a newbie to e-cigarettes) is the amount to which its actually helped you to quit smoking. I've given up cigarettes cold turkey instead of trying to balance a little of both and then progress straight onto e-cigs full time. What are your methods and how affective has it been? Thanks guys!!
  2. They were the two I was referring to, but Blu is known the most because its been such a big hype in the media. Anymore people know of?
  3. Is it dangerous?
  4. Wizarding, i'd not heard of that one before!
  5. So i've noticed over the past couple of months that Big Tobacco has acquired a variety of smaller and more well established e-cigarette companies. I suppose there's negatives and positives from this.. what do you guys think?
  6. I've heard a bunch of different phrases and names to what people call it when they are 'vaping' Vaping...Cloud Chasing...E puffing...Piping...so on I just call it 'Vaping', whats with all these new names, know any others?
  7. Forgive the naivety, but what do you mean by 'cloud chasing'? and i've not really seen any younger people doing this.. are you talking about like kids in their teens or people in their early twenties? I guess thats one of my other fears, its like i try my best not to vape around my kid, but sometimes he will see me outside or in the kitchen by the window and I worry he's going to want to try it or take one and then get hooked when he doesn't even smoke in the first place. When I smoked it wasn't an issue, he didn't understand (i also didn't smoke around him), but he's now at that age of curiosity... anyone have a similar predicament? How do you protect your kid(s)? from following in our footsteps?
  8. In fact the general feedback from everyone leaves me feeling very welcomed. Thank you.
  9. Bepop12, that's actually really helpful advice, thanks for putting it like that.
  10. Hello again, As a newbie to both vapers and this forum, i've been doing a bunch of searching on the internet and it seems there are a lot of articles suggesting that vaping is the next big thing for 'the younger generation'. Do you think this is why it has had so many negative associations in the past year or so? I posted another topic recently about negative reactions i'd received when vaping in public, i guess this sparked this question too. Do you think there are categorizations of people who use e-cigs/vape, like theres those who want to stop smoking.. those who who start because its 'cool', those who use them just to avoid the smoking ban, the more i think about it the more of a debate there could be had... thoughts??
  11. I haven't seen it yet, will have a search for it. Weren't they just acquired by one of the Big Tobacco companies?
  12. Hey all, I recently had a negative experience of my own which led me to this forum (newbie here) to see if anyone else had been through something similar? Now... there are no rules or laws against vaping in California.. but i sometimes am made to feel somewhat, i don't know.. shamed by people? Like if I have my e-cigerette out in a grocery store, i get weird looks and even comments on occasion muttered under peoples breaths. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but it's hard to ignore it sometimes. Have you had any similar experiences like this? How do you deal with it or do you just ignore it...like does it make you feel the same way as I do? I don't really know anyone else in the same boat as me, so any responses would be deeply appreciated. Thanks!
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