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Everything posted by bustastew

  1. Do smokers ask you all the time "What is that?" or "Where do I get it?" I have been vaping for 4 months now and I love it! However when I am out and about in the small town of Abilene Texas I get asked all the time about my ecig. It got to the point where I would be writing down the same information over and over and decided to fix this problem. I made a hand out, and here is what I was able to fit on the one page. Any suggested changes? Electronic Cigarette information First off, I am in no way connected to any electronic cigarette companies; I made this hand out to help out curious smokers, not make money. I smoked for 19 years attempting to quit many times using everything from the patch to the pills. The day I finally got a good quality e-cigarette I stopped smoking. I noticed day one that my health was improving just as when I had quit smoking before! There are many low quality ecigs on radio and TV ads, avoid these scams by educating yourself. What is an electronic cigarette? Doctor Vapor has an outstanding YouTube video series for new people titled: E-Cig 101 – Class 1 – What Do I order First? (I HIGHLY recommend watching this video; it will explain much of the terminology used below.) YouTube - E-Cig 101 - Class 1 - What Do I Order First? PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO VAPE! The FDA, American Lung Association, Big tobacco and Pharmaceutical companies want to BAN the electronic cigarette, DO NOT LET THEM!! The good news is a group of highly respected doctors have an alliance called the American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP) that are fighting against the FDA and other agencies pushing for the ban. Why are Electronic cigarettes the target when the public and (AAPHP) report they are harmless? Either the politicians don't understand the ramifications of the legislation they seek to pass or they have a total disregard for the health of the American people. Allowing cancer causing tobacco cigarettes (that kill 400,000 Americans each year) to remain on the market while opposing and or banning e-cigarette sales as a viable alternative is the equivalent to Genocide! Source of this information found by Google searching: The E-Cigarette in a Life and Death Struggle -- COLLEYVILLE, Texas, March 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Before buying anything, ALWAYS check YouTube reviews first! See what the people are saying, not the companies selling it. Two good examples: -GrimmGreen, and Doctor Vapor What I personally vape on: PV (personal vaporizer): -GLV 2 (5 volt version) with 801 adaptor – found at www.greatlakesvapor.com Atomizer: -I prefer atomizers over cartomizers and get mine from these sites: -801 sized High Voltage atty from www.ikenvape.com-510 sized atty from www.vaporkings.com Liquid: - My favorite flavor is called RY4 (mixture of caramel and tobacco) found at: www.vaperite.com My advice on flavors is to purchase them in small amounts from different sites (RY4 may taste different from another supplier). I have found many I liked and disliked, yet there are hundreds to choose from. For any further questions just email me at juarllang@gmail.com
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