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About srsbiz

  • Birthday 01/15/1983

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    Southern California
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    WGI/DCI, music, recording, video games

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  1. part deux coming soon, haha. Grape Soda Dulcis Cola and Cappuccino are all on their way. Should arrive today Updates to follow a few days later.
  2. i used to remove the wicking and bridges from all my atties. Recently, I've stopped removing the bridge out of personal preference. It's pretty good at 3.7v. Without them, at 5/6v the vapor is extremely warm. It's almost too much for me, might be fine for others though. I generally just remove the wick now. I keep a few "stock" ones around. I find it to work really well, esp. the wicking. ymmv. Again, this is for dripping only
  3. I'd would LOVE to love the 510 cartos, but I can't seem to get them to not taste like ***. I've filled one with ALOT of juice (top fill + the shake), let it sit overnight, and still tastes of burning filler. They look good and moist, 2-3 pulls, have a look inside, and its totally dry. If there's a solution to that - I'd be an instant convert. I have another pack of blanks sitting. I'd love to hear from you carto lovers As far as the attys go, the LR is dead-dead. No reading from the multimeter. I dissected it, the heating coil is still in tact. First atty I've had that died that didn't pop in the traditional sense. The other 2 510's with the waxy taste - still tasted bad, after -dry burn -hot water rinse and dry -multiple sessions of blowing them out Alas, I resorted to trying something new for me. Boiling. It seems to have worked out just fine. Boiled some water, pulled it off the heat, threw the atties in, swoosh them for about 1m - let em sit for about 5-6. Pulled them out - blew em out - let them sit to try about 20 min. Primed them up with some straight pg/vg mix, still had a slight hint of the waxiness. Dry burned them again, re primed. They working like champs again I guess i'm not the only one having atty failures as of late. My main 510 atty is going on 3 1/2 months strong. Most of my others get similar life +/- a month. Thanks for the info, makes ya feel better when your not the only one lamenting dead equipment
  4. i should have added I use drip tips on all my atties. The tips are fine. No signs of melting or deformation. I only drip, and don't use standard carts. I've had the atties get horribly hot before - this is giving that waxy flavor on both 3.7 and 6v. I even set it down for about - oh...20 min or so. Still there. I mean, I've accepted this atty may just be "bad" - I just personally haven't experienced this waxiness before. And I indeed do have a MMeter. Guess I should pull it out of the garage.. lol
  5. So, today has been a let down Got all set for a nice sunday of vapin'. Been using 6v during the week, so I set up my SB with a new LR atty and fresh 3.7v battery, 3 drips of Midnight - excellent. Started to get dry...2 drops, and..........nothing. No heat, no vapor. Cleaned it out - nothing. $10 atty for about 5 drags. fail. (at least those 5 were damn good). Set up a new regular 510 @6v. worked great from about 11am till now. For some reason...its got this weird waxy-ish/plasticy after taste. I know its not the juice. I ran the atty under some almost boiling water. Cleaned well, its still there. I'm down to one regular 510 left - don't want to bust that out quite yet, hoping this weird waxiness will go away. Anyone know the best place to get some 510's in bulk? I've always had really good experiences with my atties lasting forever. Even my LR ones. I guess its all the good juju catching up to me to balance it all out. If anyone has any experience with this waxy type flavor, I'm all ears
  6. love TL spreading love pretty inspiring braddah. keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing!
  7. where are you folks getting said cream from? Certainly opens some yummy possibilities. On an aside, Creme De Menthe + VT Choco Java is pretty delish.
  8. So, a little bit ago I picked up some stuff from the VT Store. Most things were excellent. I've given each item a real chance on multiple atomizer/voltage setups. All opinions based off using a Silver Bullet, authentic Joye 510's and LR 510s, VT Store Cartos. Batteries were the Ultrafire 18650 2400 mah 3.7v, and 2x Tenergy RCR123a 900mah Protected variant. Fresh Charge and Clean atties between all flavors. VT Choco Java 16mg - 3.7v - Reg 510: Upon first vape, I got a strong Cocoa flavor, with light coffee undertones. Seemed pretty good. Next day, I lost a little bit of the flavor, but still kinda tasty. 3.7v - 510 Carto: I can't really explain this one. I gave it a go hoping for more flavor, but the flavor seemed tainted to me. To be fair though, most flavors I've tried in a carto, haven't been up to snuff. Maybe getting used to the flavor. 3.7v - LR 510: Just about the same as a regular 510 in the flavor department. FWIW I find it had more "coffee" undertones on the exhale. 6v - Reg. 510: The juice really opened up here. This bottle was only 16mg, and it had a killer throat hit, and the flavor was rich with both cocoa and coffee notes. The flavors blended here at 6v. TBH, I didn't really care for this juice much until it hit 6v. 6v - 510 Carto: Not much to say here - again, was disappointed with the carto here. The flavor was everything but the juice - tasted like burning filler. This was on fresh carto also. bleh. Synopsis: This juice was average until I hit 6v. The flavors are melded at 6v, and it made an excellent vape on the morning drive or during dessert. - best at 6v - overall 3.5/5 VT Sweet Dawn 24mg - 3.7v - Reg 510: first impression was woah - flavors! Dominant pear flavor, but on this atty/volt setup - I can see how people can draw the similarity to Runts Banana Candies. Overall, pretty tasty. 3.7v - 510 Carto: this also, was pretty good. I lost a bit of vapor production, and the flavor was good, but it seemed to bring out the "artificialness" of the flavor. Think akin to artificial vanillas that have an alcohol-ish overtone. 3.7v - LR 510: this is where I was suprized. Great vapor production - flavors came out, again strong pear notes along with some light tropical flavors. 6v - Reg 510: Sweet Dawn performed great here also. This was very akin to the LR 510@3.7, but the flavor was much too pronounced for me (I drop 3 drops on average. 2 drops SD + 1 drop pure VG was pretty much delicious) 6v - Carto: Flavor was alright, if not too much artifical again. Did not taste natural as the other configs. Not bad, but not my favorite. Synopsis: Great flavors at all voltages. As expected, vapor production was excellent in all configs. This flavor was pretty addicting! It also had a "juicy" feel, which made it even more delicious! - best at 3.7v + LR 510 - tasty tip: mix with a little midnight for a nice combo of flavor - overall 4/5 VT Mentha 24mg - (side note, I was a heavy menthol smoker, and menthol remains my fav vape. I might seem harsh on Mentha, but its only because I'm so demanding from Menthol Juices) 3.7v - Reg 510: First off, menthol strength was up to par for me (which is demanding). The taste for me however, was pretty foul. It was extremely chemically tasting. I tried so much to enjoy it here, I couldn't get into it. 3.7v - 510 Carto: I never tried this. I only drip my menthol's. 3.7v - LR 510: Much better here imo. Menthol level increased just slightly, and some of the chemical taste faded to the background - was able to enjoy it here, but was still not what I was looking for in the taste area. 6v - Reg 510: It was pretty good here. I'm not sure if I acclimated to the juice or if the voltage really did make all the difference here, but it was a pretty damn good vape here - I wish there was just a bit of sweetness, but overall - pretty pleased here. 6v - 510 Carto: again, didn't try this. Synopsis: Compared to my regular menthol, Mentha is still runner up. I had high hopes and was wishing it would overthrow it, but for my taste buds its just a tad lacking in flavor. But the menthol strength was perfect. My reg menthol is a bit stronger out of the gate, but Mentha delivered the sweet spot. Don't mistake my high expectations for not liking Mentha. It's really a great vape. In fact, if I preferred a "drier" menthol juice and less sweetness, Mentha would be No.1. - best at 6v - overall 4/5 VT Midnight 24mg - 3.7v - Reg 510: YEAH! literally was the first thing I said on the first vape. Midnight had a really complex, sweet taste here, and kept me comming back for more. 3.7v - 510 Carto: Still really good. First flavor I enjoyed in a carto. Only thing I didn't like, was a little bit of the sweetness was lost here. 3.7v - LR 510: This "dried" out the vape for me here. All the flavors were present, the vapor was just a bit drier, lost the "wet" feel upon vaping. 6v - Reg 510: Flavor totally changed for me here. Still a hint of sweetness here, but this opened up a more mature flavor. Hints of a fine wine, instead of a sweet berry flavored treat, started to take over. This was a real grown up flavor @6v. 6v - 510 Carto: Similar to running this carto @3.7v. Lack of sweetness, a bit to harsh for me here. Could have just been the MG's (24). Still pretty good. Synopsis: Midnight was the surprise of the bunch. I expected I would find it nice in the evenings or with coffee and dessert, etc. However, until I gave Midnight a real good couple days, I'm torn between menthol juices and Midnight. It's really complex, lots of great flavors that blend together nicely. I usually stay away from flavors like this, but Midnight did NOT disappoint. - great at all voltages! 3.7v - Reg 510 , and 6v - Reg 510 were my personal fav's. - overall 5/5! - earned a place in my permanant "keep in stock" juice stock! WIll be ordering some more to try soon - up next? I think Grape Soda, and the new Cola sound intriguing. All in all, Great job Team Vapor Talk! All of the juices have been absolutely top notch so far! Great work, Chris! Is midnight back in stock?
  9. I LOLD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C48BTtAVsK0&feature=player_embedded
  10. this happened to me alot when i started vaping. Vaping is one way to make sure you get your 8 glasses a day Just stay hydrated, and all shall be well - VG or PG/VG based juices or adding some VG to most juices make a huge difference for me when feeling dried out, YMMV.
  11. I know this topic has been discussed time and time again. I've read pages and pages about it. For awhile now, I've been using the same set of 2x 3v cells on my SB - the infamous LifePO4 750mah 3v cells - as such here: http://www.batteryju...c375reliba.html Recently, I've exclusively been using the UltraFire 18650 2400mah 3.7v cell, commonly shipped with SB's, combined with a LR 510 atty or standard 510 Carto (which are excellent ). I've noticed the LR Atty's are "close" to a 5v experience imo, however, are still noticeably different in performance for me. I owned two pair of the LiFePO4's, and they have recently dropped into "time to replace" territory. I was doing some shopping around - and I've come across these: http://www.batteryju...c390reliba.html I do notice they are Li-ion, but are PCB protected. Obviously, protected is a huge deal. I do know batt's with a PCB are a bit larger, and curious if they are any safer, or would even fit. Perhaps the fit would introduce a new problem. I haven't had any issue with the LiFePO4's, of course, using care in pairing and charging, however - the thought of having unprotected batts in my face has started to be a lingering "brain dart" for me if you will. I don't quite have the greenbacks to pony up a Joker or other built-in protection device (if there even is any other protected 5v+ device). Also, my SB has still been rock solid, so I haven't found a need to replace it with a new device quite yet. Also, if you zoom on the first link, picture of the LiFePO4 battery, the wrapper indicated "Li-Ion". I recently read that some of the suppliers in China mislabel batteries, but I haven't noticed this from Tenergy, yet there it is. I wish I hadn't thrown mine out - so I could check those. Any LiFePO4 users have this on their cells? Has anyone used or have experience with the Protected 3v cells in the second link? Only thing I was able to find, was that the 900mah variant had some issues with people using a DBSB - which I have and use, but only at 3.7v - so that's a non issue. Some seem to report they work fine in their mods. I'll probably get a Joker once the stock is better in control and the initial flood of buyers have theirs. Just throwing it out there. Even after using the 750mah LiFePO4's for so long, and not having any issue, recently I haven't been able to get it off my mind. Opinions? (and sorry for the novel ) (edit for weird spacing issues...)
  12. excellent points. /vote.
  13. I can also confirm they are indeed the soft tops! just got my shipment today, along with an assortment of VT Juice. Currently vaping a carto - ill give it a few days, and ill be back to report my opinion - so far so good though
  14. currently, 510's and LR 510's. How did you fill the vt cartos? Don't want ruin one if the tops don't come off. I have no issues filling from the bottom, but a heads up would be rockin!
  15. Glad you're enjoying your SB. I've had mine for 9 or so months now, maybe more. It's been rock solid - every single day. Recently added the DBSB to my collection as well for giggles. IMO, you made a great purchase. Happy Vapin'
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