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    Asheville, NC

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  1. I'm not judging, just lucky, I guess. I haven't had an analog since I started vaping. I love the variety of flavors, and find it important to mix and match well with your beverage of choice. For coffee I like the coffee and waffle type flavors, soda necessitates soda/drink flavors, and for beer/wine only tobacco flavors with excellent throat hit. I much prefer vaping to smoking and when that flavor combo is right it's almost sublime! My wife continues to have an occasional analog with wine, and sometimes I take a hit to compare. I can't believe how addicted I was to the nasty things. The real kicker is that I know I would pick them right back up if I didn't have vaping.
  2. I find I get a little burning on my first few vapes of the day. I just go slow until my throat and lungs resign themselves to what I am doing. They do thank me for quitting smoking, though!
  3. Man I feel better.
  4. From Wikipedia "Dry air contains roughly (by volume) 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1%." Sorry, Bigjim, even oxygen is poisonous in large enough quantities.
  5. Flavors a little too intense for me in the 510 atty I generally enjoy more in the blu, probably due to it not getting nearly as hot and not being able to handle the airflow like my tornado. Also probably the manual vs automatic issue. So far I prefer Johnson creek juices in it which often taste burnt in the 510. The tobacco juices from nhaler are better in it, I particularly like the ry4. If I'm drinking (wine or beer are my drinks) I prefer the tobacco flavors and the size and portability of the blu. Eventually I will switch to a 901, but until my batteries wear out I'm ok with the Blu, since I sunk $50 into it.
  6. Thanks, Chris btw, belated congratulations on your little girl, I just had one two weeks ago!
  7. When I use my blu I find better results with direct dripping. Just two or three drops on the mesh, enough to lightly moisten it will give me several hits far and away better than the original carts ever did. Just throw away the inner reservoir. After two months of heavy use I have only lost one atty. I find that some juices are better in the blu, and someday hope my wife lets me buy a 901, since I am sick of the temperamental batteries of the blu. The Blu attys fit on my tornado, but they probably shorten the life of the atty.
  8. I find the whole experience slightly improved with the cone on if I'm out and about. Less leakage worry if I keep it in my pocket between drags. However if I'm at home dripping and heavy- vaping I take the cone off.
  9. I got my tornado yesterday afternoon and vaped throughout the night at work with it on breaks. I like the cone, it adds that finished look and makes any leakage problems less of an issue. Ive vaped on the same atty for about thirty or forty 3-5 second hits and still taste bitter primer. I blew it out first and have repeated this process two more times throughout the night. Ive even cleaned and topped up the cart with johnson creek simply strawberry. Sadly, still bitter. Johnson Creek seems to tend towards the weak flavor so I hope my incoming grape soda from VT will beat this taste. Absolutely love the tornado/ego though. It's a stunning transition from blu. (lower case intended for blu) Happy vaping. Edit: I do drink a lot of black tea through the night, however, so this may affect that taste. I probably shouldn't immediately blame the atty.
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