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Everything posted by ainews

  1. weird, my tanks are not clear. they sent me all dark grey ones. so what type is what? I have one style you unscrew the coils from the bottom to fill. and my ego which use the coils and wick on top of a airshaft.
  2. I like hangsens red energy
  3. ego ce5 units. err, if they will fit on a C battery
  4. I have ego ce5 units, these are not bad to clean out. I take off the mouth piece, bottom unit, which is the airshaft, coils and wick. and sock them for 24 hours in hot water. but I also bought 4 extra tank assemblys too. so I always have a few clean units ready. the worse ones are the ones that leave stuff baked on the coils. but the joytech people showed me how to burn the coils clean by dry firing for 5 seconds.
  5. drink more water if the vapor is drying out your throught
  6. there is a idea. hmm, all I have is everclear
  7. anyone know how to clean the tank of a hangsen echo-d? the coil unscrews from the botton of the tank. which is also where you fill it. I am tryng some new flavors and cant get the old juice taste out of the tank. I tried cinnamon, and some coffee flavors, which are strong. I don't know what type of tank this is, the mouth piece don't unscrew. and the coil/wick accembly is a unit screwed into the tank bottom. I got these from the CES show in vegas with like 10 flavors to try. geez, the fruits are strong also, tried pineapple and green apple. man, that is a taste bud roller.
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