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About robcope

  • Birthday December 1

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  • Location
    San Angelo, Texas

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  1. Why yes she is. My Junior High colos lol.
  2. I use standard 3.7 volt ego batteries at work. I want to move to vv batteries to get a little better vape at work. I am going to order some vv 650 mah spinners, just hope they last all day. I don't like the length of the higher mah batteries. I want to be able to keep it in my shirt pocket like I do now.
  3. I honestly believe we either get lucky or we don't. I have had great luck with my gear. Maybe because I am an addict, at least for a few more months as I ween myself off nicotine, I am very careful with my gear. I will more then likely order some spinners. I really want an xfire (so pretty lol). You by no means made me feel bad, I just wanted any knowledge you have to share. I have been collecting gear since 2009, so info is important to me, even if I disagree. What works great for one, may not work for another.
  4. Just curious? What problems? I own the vv v3, MPV v2, SVD, and most recently a VTR. No problems with any of them. A friend that owns a local shop has stopped carrying spinners because of the number of returns. I want a few for work, but am afraid to take the plunge. Now you have me concerned about my itaste products, lol.
  5. I love the aerotank. It is my favorite. I bought 3 extra aerotank bases for my protank 2`s. I have a 30s and don't care for the airflow. Some times I like a tight draw for throat hit. Somtimes I like lung hits. With the aerotank I can adjust it to suit my mood.
  6. I have tried that, I prefer the stock aerotank with a protank single coil on my VTR at 7.5 to 8.0 watts depending on mood. I am going to try your suggestion again when I get home tonight.
  7. I order my sanyo batteries from them, and love their service. I trust them and will not order batteries elsewhere. Why? Because every battery I have ordered over the past two plus years is still in service and they last and last.
  8. Best service I have ever recieved from an online vender. Ordered my VTR on Thursday, recieved Monday. Packaged really well and mailed with in hours of placing my order. I am an ecig mod *****, I have been collecting ecig gear since 2009 and have ordered from so many companies. Best experience so far. Thanks 101vape.
  9. New vtr. Prefer it with my aerotank rather then the 30s.
  10. Aerotank with the protank 2 coil on my newly aquired VTR.
  11. VTR and aerotank. Favorite setup for me!
  12. Got my Army green VTR day before yesterday. SVD last week. Like the SVD, love the VTR.
  13. Me tooooooooooooooo!
  14. Can I have the enterprise. Ego c is what I believe it is. So many better choices now.
  15. I think you might really like the MVP v2. Very simple to use. As far as vv/VW goes, don't sweat it to much. If 3.6 volts make your juice taste good, then you are golden. I like watts better simply because ohms don't seem to matter as much. Regardless of which tank or coil I use there is a wattage setting that works for a particular juice. Rather then oh crap 5 volts with a 1.8 ohm coil burns and I have to remember to turn it down. Just less adjustment with wattage.
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