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Everything posted by mayhemvaper

  1. I have both, Nemmy is just plain badass, K100 is cool for everyday take with to work use
  2. Oh Yeah, got my Hcigar Nemesis in mail today, very cool and hits like a train even with cartotank and protank2 Gotta build my Kayfun now and put it on this sweet mod
  3. My newest addition to the collecton
  4. Went to local store and got me an Mvp2 today! Very cool device, I am loving it already, very nice feel in the hand. Looks cool with any tank I put on it. Came with a cool Titanium wrap as well which looks badass!
  5. 6 weeks vaping and collection is growing nicely
  6. Vapemail! Yum Yum, got some juice today from bootleg vapors apple pie moonshine fudge brownie mint chocolate chip dr pepper all with flavor shot and they are very good.
  7. Great Vapemail, like a kid in a candy store K100 full kit Smok dual coil atomizer Smok dual coil cartomizer 5mil tank 3 colored Evod clear tanks Air adjust adapter dr pepper n strawberry dauquari juice My collection is growing nicely
  8. That tank is just pure sexy
  9. Oh yeah got vapemail today! Full K100 kit air flow adjuster and Smok udct carto tank I just have to learn the cart tank now, first one. filled tank and dripped into carto but not getting right taste yet
  10. Tues/wedf will be a great vapemail days for me Have ordered K100 mechanical full kit air flow controller cartomizers smok udtc carto tank 3- evod clear tanks/diff colors 10 diff 10ml bottles of ejuice gonna be a good week for vaping
  11. Went to couple local vape shops yesterday and picked up some new toys Kanger pro tank 2 Iclear 30b (both look super nice on my VamoV5 Kamry X6 battery with Xjet clearomizer (for the wife) Smoke dripper rda lots of juice, bourbon,pineapple,strawberry cheesecake,rootbeer,sugar cookie and banana cream pie. yum yum yum The collection is building very nice...
  12. Just a little addition to my Vamo v5 till I get a real lanyard that I like I took a very thin metal washer and driiled tiny hole then used the lanyard from my ego to clip onto it. still have 4 threads for top ring and holds very nice.
  13. Bought the new Vamo V5 from Vices Elec cigs out of Florida Only paid $57 for vamo, 2 18650 batteries, charger and shipping Vamo is a beast! Now got to get me a Iclear30B to sit on top
  14. Vapemail yesterday! New Vamo V5! This thing is wicked badass! Very cool and brings vaping to the next level for me.
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