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Everything posted by Ouster

  1. Man that banner's old!! I dont use any of those e-cigs any more. I make my own juice and have 2-3 Joyetech eGo AIO ProBox as my daily now.
  2. Hey Vapor Talk..... It's been YEAR'S ! I joined this site way back in May 2010....glad to see it's still going! It crossed my mind this morning to check in and take a look at my banner I started all those years ago (11years). What a SHOCKER!! Over $47 thousand in savings and more than 4100 days without a cigarette! I still vape...but I must say, I wish I could shake the e-cig monkey off my back now. Still.... better than smoking 2 packs a day I guess. Ok well..see ya all in another 2-5 years!
  3. Way to go Jodie!!! Just a thought...thinking you might want to hold on to something, just in case you have a relapse Better to go back to an e-cig vs buying a pack of cigs. Im working on it..hope to have your same problem some day
  4. Great Video HawtAngel! Ive won 2 of Marks Mods though contests now, love em both! I have #33 Cocobolo and the wife has #69 Sycamore/Purpleheart. Both of these mods get daily uses around the house while watching TV or on the puter.....way to nice to chance something bad happening to em by taking them outside. Great thread HawtAngel....gives me another chance to say Thank You Mark ,we love your Mods!!
  5. Hi Madhatter First thing to do is make SURE that the atty connection on the box is clean. If thats not the problem , try to pull the battery spring up (stretch it) so that the battery fits more snug. Most times for me its the battery not being snug that ends up being the problem. I've also come to the conclusion that using LR atties is a no/no...I've burnt a few Wetbox's out using LR. Hope this helps GL.
  6. WOW MaryAnn!!!!! Marks going to love that post!! Ya know, I really like mine aswell!
  7. So I'm driving around today running errands and figured I'd stop in to see the progress on the new vaping lounge at VaporBomb. While there, Harry gave me a FREE samples of their newest juice, Strawberry Cheesecake. Now, for the most part I only vape caramel and 1-2 other flavored e-liquids, not much success with other flavors. Believe me Ive try'd countless flavors from a bunch of different vendors. This is the first juice I've tried that actually tastes like strawberry and didnt have a perfume after taste. Now, they are calling it a Strawberry Cheesecake but it tasted more like Strawberry Shortcake to me.....I dont eat cheesecake..so I dont really know what cheesecake taste like Anywho...Im giving this flavor a thumbs ups!! The juice was a 60pg 40vg 24mg nic with good vapor production and slight throat hit.
  8. Filled it out
  9. Welcome to Vapor Talk Adammg. VaporBomb is an excellent juice vendor with over a hundred different flavors. Your able to order any juice in any mix combo for PG/VG(I like 60PG/40VG) Shipping is under $4 and most times they add free samples to your orders. Carmel Candy, Waffle, Cinnabomb, Fire&Ice are some of my favorites.
  10. Hi Murano22s All Good advice posted so far...the easiest way is for you to get an Ego starter kit. It come with everything you'll need to get started, and that includes 2 complete Ego's, and charger. Luke over at VaporGalaxy has em for $62 with the coupon code VTalk. Atomizers for the most part are the weak link in e-cigs, you may get one that last only a few days or one that last 2 months---its a crap shoot. Order back ups!! Just so you know, most all of the people here on VT are not vendors, nor am I. Ive been smoke free for over 4 months now, thanks to E-cigs and this forum...I hope you have the same success!!!
  11. Hey I was hit with a comment/question at work this week I didnt really have an answer too. One of the guys I work with, who is interested in starting to vape, told me that someone had told him that vaping would cause a person to have water in their lungs, and may lead to to illness like ammonia. Ive just started looking into it..if anyone has an info on this...plz post. Thanks guys
  12. Its Friday..just got in the door. I never did get to talk to PM last week after I headed out for work....but, when I walked in the door tonight, I had a package waiting for me with 25 new atomizers in it!!! I broke out the meter and they are reading 1.5 The atomizers I ordered were the silver ones, and after check the site that I opened my ticket on, they e-mailed me back say'n that their atomizers don't have the LR marking on them...but they are 1.5. So Im happy!! Just gotta send the first order back now
  13. Thanks guys...I have an open ticket with them....but Im still waiting for a response.
  14. I went to the store and got a meter..they are testing at 2.2 Looks like they sent me the wrong atomizers
  15. Hi all Have a question ...I just ordered 25 LR Atomizers from Puresmoker.com..if you order in bulk,they give a 50% discount. I received em, but I didnt see a LR on the bottom of the connection. I was under the impression that Joye 510 LR atomizers had that making...Im I wrong???
  16. ALL OF THE ABOVE....AND ALL THAT POST AFTER!!!!! Cant believe I allowed myself to smoke for all those years. Ive been smoke free now going on 3 months, and my wife 2 months..and the one thing Im starting to realize is how filthy my home was from cigarettes. We have done SO much cleaning in the last 2 months and still Im finding small area's where you can tell someone had smoked in the house...unbelievable
  17. Very Nice Kitsune If you head over to StrictlyEjuice ...they have keychain bottles https://strictlyejuice.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=43&zenid=djspd6jn3v8fbqmmrklqm57vt1 I have about 4-5 of em.... work well.
  18. Great review!! Plus...your shirt is on!!!!
  19. I SECOND THAT!!!!!!!!!
  20. Im about 30-40MG a month VS. 2 1/2 packs a day of Analogs. The other cost people are not posting here is all the crap I picked up every time I went to the store to get cigs. I wonder just how much Im really saving by not buying that pop or bag of chips on every trip!!!!!
  21. Hi Esig My understanding is that you will take in about the same nicotine as what you are vaping per milliliter. So if your vaping a 24MG strength e-juice,then you will take in about 24mg per milliliter. I think on average, an analog has 9-12mg of nicotine, and when you smoke it, your body takes in about 1mg. If you smoked a pack of analogs a day, you took in about 20mg of nicotine. Figure how many milliliters of juice you are vaping and times it by the strength VS. how many analogs you smoked when you quite. Should give ya a good idea on were you stand for intake on nicotine. Hope that right,someone/anyone plz correct me if its not.
  22. I just received my box...they sent the wrong box!! Its a piece of crap box!! Im done with em, going to build my own from scratch
  23. They're are alotta of us out there..like yourself. I won a Marks mod tonight, and want to try to make this right for those of you who were willing to give to a soldier who may be trying to save their own life..not from a bullet, but a cigarette. I will be hosting a Pay It Forward contest starting tomorrow..based off this Thread. Winner will receive The Joker I won from the Throw Me contest. Good luck
  24. Ive been using VaporBomb, they are local for me and will meet me someday for pick up...they have good prices I think and you can choose your own mix of PG VG. I love their Waffle juice.
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