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  1. epic bro! thanks! also.. im thinking about buying some 0 MG Midnight feel like i could quit smoking all together with this stuff.. do yall offer it in 0? kk after watching the video.. and moving to a new cartomizer cuz i screwed the first one up... e juice all on my lips lol... Its actually really ez... and think ill continue to drip at home.. and cartomize at work
  2. somone please post me a decent cheap passthrough figure i just want it to do its job.. i dont mind buying used... post wug or e mail me wug robinsongt@hotmail.com
  3. Ok.. not a big fan of the cartomizer first off.. but i dont like new things.. java rate's a 5 out of 10.. 10 being the Midnight... might be good for early morning bumps
  4. Ok... Couldnt figure out how to fill the Cartomizer guna watch a youtube video on it later... Midnight 16MG !!!!!!!!! I switched to 16 because ive smoked the USA mix 24 from another website and had a terrible head ache from it.. I normally smoke a pack a day of Moborolo Lights and the 24 was just to heavy.... NO DRY MOUTH!!!! Ive tried other website's and after about 10min of vapeing i get a really try mouth and the back of my throat starts getting sore and I sound like im just getting over a cold... At first hit of the Midnight its kinda sweet but i cant put my finger on the flavor... when u exhale the flavor changes and ur left with a GREAT taste in ur mouth.. and I dont find myself going for a sip of somthing to drink after i take a hit... i personally wouldnt mind getting this flavor in 0MG just to vape all day long with no reprecussions of a nic buzzzz On to the next flavor JAVA ill be back to post about it in a bit.. guna watch the youtube video and change to the cartomizer hince i do not like changing flavor's out with diff cart's.... I CANT GET OVER HOW GOOD THE MIDNIGHT IS.. THIS REALLY MIGHT WORK WITH THE TASTE OF THIS!
  5. First off I would like to talk about the shipping! A++ items got to my door in 3 days.. Packaged really nice! Had bonus items in my package..... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE FREEBIES!!! That is always a + and will make me continue to use this website... I just unpacked everything and it all looks great... Fixing to do a taste test of the 4 Different E-Liquid's that I ordered.. Now I normally smoke Maborlo Lights in a Box and im picky about it being in a Box.. it taste way diff in a soft pack.. so ill post back after i try some stuff.....
  6. awsome and i filled out the note's ;-0 thanks bro my items should be here tomorrow.. im excited to try the new juice and get me a new starter kit as well...
  7. i dont use anything in my carts lol i just drip.. seems to work the best and i can manage how much i smoke like that, figure about 2 drops a hour is what i do
  8. Hello! So i bought a joye 510 from another website about 3 months ago.. it came in and 1 atomizer was DOA they never sent a new one and it took 23 days for the package to arrive to my door...!!. <-- yeah sorry little bit of rage! But the thing was great... and my mother actually took it from me.. and 2 weeks later she lost it.. So now ive decided to buy 3 of them.. 1 for mom 1 for dad and 1 for me... Mom wants the Java.. I want the Midnight Bad thing is my Dad wants the Vapor Talk Mentha E Liquid BUT its only avail in 6MG....... why?????? so thats my question.. can i get the Vapor Talk Mentha E Liquid in stronger then 6mg? or yall just out....
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