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  1. Oh yeah I'm using 26 gauge kanthal and cotton wicks
  2. I just did my first twisted dual coil today and WOW! Have I been missing out vapor production and flavor are amazing! It's at about .35 ohms which is pretty comfortable for me. I've gone below down to .21 but it's a bit of a pain in the you know what dripping every 2-3 hits. Much better with a twisted set up
  3. I think that V2 is a good way to go for disposables. Great flavor and vapor production for a cigalike
  4. This is quite the topic. While some airports do not have rules against it, like Denver international, which I am currently at with a delayed flight. I find myself in the smokers lounge (I am not a confrontational person so I avoid it at all costs). It is a bit of an inconvenience and the smell is terrible. But I am trying to look at it positively as a test of my strength in not being tempted and I must say I am not in the least bit temped thanks to the smell . I hope that at some point it will be more widely accepted and we can vape wherever we please. I will explain more on my youtube channel later on this week.
  5. I have the vamo v5 stainless and I have been really happy with it. It suffered a terrible drop and messed up my minus button, however it still works and I still use it. Another option is the smoktech SID which I absolutely love! About the same price point as well if not a bit cheaper. I alternate between the two all the time.
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