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Ricci2424 reacted to Eaglewtchr in Nemisis Clone - accept 18650 ?
I use a Nemesis. Put the 2 long pieces together the top cap and bottom. I use VTC4's just fine and they are flat top. You will have 2 pieces left. A Kick ring and a beauty ring. Hopw it works for you.
Ricci2424 reacted to ThatCarGuyDFW in Ridiculous Vape
Saw one at a little vendor kiosk in London that was a made out of 1:43 scale model cars. "What are you doing?" "Oh just vaping out of my Ferrari."
Ricci2424 reacted to Christopher in Ridiculous Vape
Here is a review of the "eGo G" life sized eGo.
Ricci2424 reacted to 3Rutez in Ridiculous Vape
I don't think Willy is vaping juice. Speaking of Willy, try doing a search for the Dr. Noah mod. I would post the YouTube link, but fear it would break the forum rules.
Ricci2424 reacted to CascadianExotics in First Impressions of the K100
Ok, so it isn't mine....but, my buddy is in the process of moving, and had his K100 kit shipped to my home. Then told me to charge the batteries and check it out. He probably MEANT for me to inspect the unit for defects....but (thankfully for me), the English language can be twisted to one's advantage if expressed with any hint of ambiguity, and especially so if put in writing....such as a text message!!!! Build Quality: Out of the mailbox, the first thing I noticed was how heavy the package was. Initially, I assumed it was the batteries and charger making up the weight. Nope....this mod is SOLID! For a guy who's only seen a couple mods in person, and held an Evic once, the sheer solidity of this Chinese-built mod completely took me by surprise. The threading is smooth, and holds well. The bottom firing button has a good tension, allowing the user to fire the unit with ease, yet does not depress when stood on end....even in 18650 mode with a full tank attached. The reverse-thread locking ring is a nice feature, and is fairly easy to get used to. However, it does stick if turned too hard in unlock mode. My only complaint with the build is the use of a plastic seat on top of the battery spring. I believe it would be a better idea to use a hot-spring rather than the plastic seat. Especially as this mod is being marketed as a "My First Mod" type kit for Vapers new to the world of mods. Performance: The K100 performs well right out of the box. For those using eGo-type units, this is a great step up. Users are strongly advised to upgrade the included batteries to better IMRs, upgrade the charger, and rely on other delivery systems than the included cartomizers. Outside of that, there is not a complaint to be had in this department. Fit and Finish: Perhaps the only aspect of the K100 that would put me off from buying one for myself would be in the looks department. In pictures, the unit looks clunky, and hard to hold in the hand. Honestly, it does not look near as bad in person. It feels comfortable, and natural in the hand. Especially in 18350 mode. However, it looks like something I'd find in my girlfriend's nightstand drawer. If you can get past the "Ribbed for Her Pleasure" look to the K100, properly research the use of mechanical mods (possibly investing in a mod fuse), and upgrade the batteries and charger then this mod is a great buy!!! I cannot think of any reason not to...for your first mod, or to add to your collection.
Ricci2424 reacted to robv1978 in KeCig K100 (Empire Clone)
http://www.discountvapers.com/k100-mechanical-full-kit-blue/ I received my K100 in the mail today (3-20) after placing the order on 3-18. Kudos to www.discountvapers.com for the fast shipping. OK, here's the boring stuff first as stated on discount vapers description. The kit costs $62 on the site and it was just over $66 shipped. New Unique styled Telescopic mod from KAMRY. The K100 will accept 18350, 18500 and 18650 unprotected batteries. This is a bottom button mechanical design with the ability to screw out and lock that bottom button. The K100comes with an upper protective tube that also completes its sylish unusual look. Nice feel and heft to this mod with a thicker bottom button for easy use. 9 holes throughout the mod for venting saftey Please note:The upper tube is too tall to be used as a drip shield unless you are using adapters You Get: 1 K100 Mechanical Mod 2 510 cartomizers 1 Atomizer cover 1 Kasbah-styledrip tip 1 18650/18350 battery chargerOutput: 3.7v/450ma Input:110-220v EOCv 4.2v +-1% 1 18350900mahICR 3.7vdry battery 1 18650 2000mahICR 3.7vdry battery 1 Manual 1 eGo case package Dimensions: 18350: 99mm / 3.9 inches tall 18500: 113mm / 4.4 inches tall 18650: 129mm / 5.0 inches tall Base unit without upper tube attached is 64mm / 2.5 inches. Width: 25.5mm/ 1 inch The dimensions above are without the 510 drip tip attached. Now for my first day of use impressions. My first impression upon opening the case was "WOW!! This thing looks awesome!!" Then I picked it up and noticed that it has some weight to it. Iunscrewedeverything and put it back together to get a feel for it andcheck it out. I wasexpecting to find the threading to be rough and the metal thin.... Not the case... To my surprise the threading is very smooth and has virtually no grinding noise and the tube is relatively thick also, the button has a good feel to it offering enough resistance to stand it up without firing but loose enough for pinky hits. I loaded up the included 18350 and filled one of the cartos with an 80/20 12mg, clear colored Apple Ring juice. The initial vape was excellent, good throat hit and flavor, clouds of vapor. But, after a few hits I got a NASTY taste fomr the carto. At first I thought I didn't fill it enough, I checked it and it was saturated. I took another it and got the same thing. It was the nasty "turkey bacon" flavor Pbusardo described in his Boge Gate videos. So, I went to dripping with a 2.9 ohm atty and a 510/510 adapter. I intentionally over dripped and the carto tube/ drip shield held all the juice in. I had to do some running around today so I took it on the road. I put on a Vivi Nova tossed it in my cup holder and off we went. It was very comfortable and the bottom button didn't have me turning and feeling to fire it. The finish, so far, is unmarred with no nicks or scratches. After I got home I decided to use my AGA-T+ with a 1.7 ohm coil and it performs flawlessly. And now The Good, The Bad and The Ugly THE GOOD -Good build quality.. Nice heavy feel with a solid button, deep drip well in case you over drip, very smooth threading, six vent holes on the battery tube (3 top and 3 bottom) and 3 air holes at the top of the drip shield -It's a screw type telescoping mod giving you multiple battery options or a KICK option with no parts to remove or add when you change battery sizes -Works with almost everything (The Kanger MT3 is to wide to work without and adapter) -Cost.. The kit cost $66 shipped and includes everything a noob or veteran vaper needs to get it running right out of the box. (Well, except juice) THE BAD (just nitpicking) -The cartos give a terrible taste -Kanger MT3's don't fit -Hmmm.. that's about it for now THE UGLY (aesthetics) -It's a beautiful looking mod -The grooves look really nice and serve a function by allowing some gripping surface -Comes in three colors, Champagne (more like a gunmetal), Blue (=AWESOME!) and Gold (BLING!) all go well with the polished steel look. This is just my first day impressions of the K100 so I'm going to give it 4/5 stars and 1.5 thumbs up. I'm leaving room to increase or decrease my rating depending on the near future performance, it has nothing to do with THE BAD. -
Ricci2424 reacted to robv1978 in KeCig K100 (Empire Clone)
I LOVE THIS!!! It's a freakin' tank. The threads are still smooth and the button is holding up extremely well. I paired it up with a genny style RBA tank and it performs flawlessly.
Ricci2424 reacted to Tam in Okay...let's See The Goods!
Hey, Aquatroy. Sorry for the slow response. I only just now saw this. Anyway, here's what Tam does:
It's on the wall of my office next to my main computer. The blinds in the office are always closed so it stays nice and dark in here. This picture was taken in January of 2013. Since then I've gotten rid of nearly all the Sweet-Vapes juices and it's now stocked with mostly EC Blends' and Vape Dudes' flavors with a couple of Mt. Baker Vaper's that I'm trying to like...
Here's the link to the original post:
Ricci2424 reacted to Deckyon in Okay...let's See The Goods!
Here is my current whole kit. My "everyday" kit depends on what day it is. I generally only vape in the house on most days, simply because there is a vape ban at work (too long a story, but total BS.) My walkaround kit are generally the eGos and a clearo. My eVic stays by the computer or couch. And yes. that is a S&W .38 SPL +P Airweight. My CC.
Ricci2424 reacted to Proetus in Okay...let's See The Goods!
Here's that Bella tank i mentioned with a fresh Boge SR prepunched 2 hole Boge carto and Copper Creek House Blend.
Ricci2424 reacted to AlexS in Okay...let's See The Goods!
My setups along with my cousins'. I personally own the vamo and the k100 (aka Megaman).
Ricci2424 reacted to Uma in Okay...let's See The Goods!
Thanks Patricia, I like them too. One of these days I'll round them all up for a group shot. Oh, about 3 years now I think. (I have chronic CRS for things like numbers, and other stuff I can't remember right now).
Here's a new photo shot of my dailys. Thanks to BluCavvy for my Mini Provari V2 and to CloudWizard for my Chimbus. Cloud set the Chimbus up with 0.6 flat ribbon coil and man oh man does it snap crackle and pop out the flavor and vapor.
I should apologize for the fingerprints ... but... nah...
Ricci2424 reacted to Proetus in Okay...let's See The Goods!
EGo Twist 900/Vision Nano, Vision Spinner 1300/iClear30, Bolt/F17 Skinny tank, Mini Mode Vamo AGR Locking tank, iTaste SVD (18500 mode)/Protank
Bits n pieces!
Dam i need a better camera!
Ricci2424 reacted to daleron in Okay...let's See The Goods!
I feel soooo much better after seeing this
Ricci2424 reacted to Sonar505 in Okay...let's See The Goods!
Everyone's welcome! (unless you are already a zombie of course) Thank you glad you like.
Ricci2424 reacted to Sonar505 in Okay...let's See The Goods!
Here is my current collection I pretty much rotate thru them all regularly. With the exception of the Twists They were all made by me. (WARNING DO NOT LOOK IF WOOD OFFENDS YOU!) From Left to Right A 4 AAA battery box with okr/t3 regulator. A cut down DCT tank with CE2 carto. Dual 10440 batts A 3.7 v wood mod. Boge F16 carto tank. Single 18350 or 16340 batt. A VV Bottom feeder with okr/t3 regulator. A homemade atomizer 1.8 ohm. Dual 18350 batts. A VV wood column mod with okr/t3 regulator. A cut down DCT tank with CE2. Dual 1044o batts. A VV Top feeder with Madvapes regulator. A Phoenix RBA with Clear tube. Dual 18350 batts. A Puck variant. With a Mini Nova. 4 AAA NiMH batts. A Silver Joye Ego Twist 1100 with CE4+. A Black Joye Ego Twist 1100 with CE3 3m/l tank and screw on pen cap. A VV Big Wood Mod with Madvapes regulator & passthru connector. Vivi nova w/cotton wick. Dual 18650 batts. A VV Wood mod with okr/t6 regulator. Smoktech R tank w/cotton wick. Dual 18650 batts. A VV Dyed Wood mod with okr/t6 regulator. Vivi nova w/cotton wick. Dual 14500 batts. A stealth Wood mod. CE2 clearomizer. Single 10440 batt. A Puck variant. With a Chid/Griffen rebuildable with SS mesh. 4 AAA NiMH batts. A 2 AAA Battery box with tact switch and mosfet. A single 10440 batt. Center left Screw on Voltage display with extra leads to check batteries coming off charger. Center Right Ohmmeter. Made from Madvapes display board using push button to activate instead of slider switch. 2 AAA NiMH batts. Had some others that I've sold or given away but this is what I right now but always planning more. This is an overview of my juice and equipment shelves Here is the closeups I much prefer glass for holding my ready to vape or not as the case may be. Various bits and pieces that tend to accumulate. I keep my PG/VG in 2 each blue jars, My Nic in Amber jars, and Premixed in a Amber jar. These are 9 oz. short wide mouth glass jars Seem to work better for me easier to siphon out liquid and less chance of tipping over. Here are some of my flavors for DIY Can you tell I like Wizard Labs. Some more flavors including VZ super concentrated and lorann's plus other brands. Also syringes, pipettes, and plastic boxs for everything else. A couple of projects that I so far have not had time to do are make a stand for PV's. and a small wood cabinet to hold all vaping supplies. Hopefully soon. What do you folks think? Kinda OCD right. Thanks for looking all comments and or critiques are appreciated. -
Ricci2424 reacted to NuclearVapors in Okay...let's See The Goods!
Don't have many, but I use them every day, especially my GG .
Ricci2424 reacted to Mike in Okay...let's See The Goods!
I chose this method to keep my "junk" out of sight. This is how I had it before. I was a little easier to find what I was looking for but I don't get to DIY very often so it was becoming an eyesore.
Ricci2424 reacted to Rixter in Okay...let's See The Goods!
BTW, Mike...that is the most awesome juice organization system I've seen to date! Kudos!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Ricci2424 reacted to spydre in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
Awwww, I won't be getting vape mail for a while. I think everything I need to buy soon, we need from the local store (juice).
Ricci2424 reacted to spydre in Whats everyones setups for today
Glad I'm nit the only one that keeps more than one tank going at times. Sometimes, it's the only thing I can do.
This mmorning, my MVP is holding my Apple Cider, and ATM, my eGo has Chocolate Banana