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  1. Yes, I agree the Ecigs are not as addictive, The real ciggies have so many more things in them, to become addicted too. The ecigs are lighter, and go down way easier. Of course if the real thing (did not stink, and was not a cancer stick) I'd still be happily puffing away!
  2. Thank you for the welcomes! I have not had a cigarette since I received my Vapor! YaY! And I seem to Vape more often on a daily basis then I smoked, I think because it does NOT stink! Even I as the smoker, thinks the real things stink. The Vapor is just so easy, to lets say "get my needs met"!
  3. I Vaped a lot last night, while I shared a few bottles of red wine with friends. And the strange thing is today I can still taste the flavor the of Parliament (my old brand) flavored cartridges in my mouth and throat. Even though I have brushed my teeth, used mouthwash and had something to eat, anyone know why?
  4. Well I am new to Vaping and new to Vaping forums, and I must say, writing down here and seeing the statistics that I am a 30+ year smoker, true that its been on and off but still. I have never seen myself write that, and its harsh and disturbing. And yeah how did I get this old, lol! I have only have my Vapor for a 2 weeks or so, but this is it, I'm done with the real thing. Reading what I wrote here, about the length of my habit, seals the deal....I hope. in the past, in many stressful times of my life, the first thing I would do is buy cigarettes! I would walk run pay someone to get them for me, anything to get a hold of some. It really is a sickness....or lets say addiction. But the strange thing is, I could go months without one, until I am triggered. And then its smoke-out time! Thanks for listening to me, ramble on, good song verse by the way.
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