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Everything posted by imavape

  1. Alice in Vapeland - Crunkberry / Strix Elixirs - Applegasm
  2. I am currently on 3 juices that I have on trial for the work day (2 KFL with about 3 ml each), and plan on writing a review for tonight. I have 10 juices on my desk that I need to give a spin over the next 3ish days. At last glance I have (70) 10-15ml bottles that I've never even tasted, steeped, almost ready for trial. I like to tell people I don't even know what the 4th ml of any juice tastes like. But that's not even true. I try to keep about 3 loaded at all times to make sure my pallet is still on point. To complicate matters further, I constantly retest flavors to make sure my numbers are correct. So to say that my rotation is somewhere near fifty juices would be about accurate.
  3. Rocket Pop from Rocket Fuel is a good cola.
  4. Villain Vapors - Doc Holiday / The Vapor Chef - Butter Beer / AiV - White Rabbit. The White Rabbit tastes the best.
  5. I am going to suggest going with Rocket Fuel. Nobody ever mentions them and I was blown away on the quality. Good flavors all around, I think they are more consistently good than most others. Calamity Jane is an amazing Graham tobacco... probably perfect
  6. I would suggest using them for other vapers around you. I like to break down flavors into smaller sizes and then hand them out to people that need em. Say I have 50mls of extra juice. I break that down into say 5 10ml bottles and release them to the world. Gotta be a friend or someone around you that would appreciate it.
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